ꕥ𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏ꕥ

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As you and Obanai entered your estate, a sense of tranquility and love enveloped the air. You made your way to the closet, intending to retrieve another mask to cover your eyes, but Obanai's gentle grip on your wrist stopped you in your tracks. Surprised, you turned to face him, your eyes locking with his. "Obanai, I need to grab another mask to cover my eyes," you explained. His words caught you off guard, filling your heart with warmth and joy. "You don't need to cover your eyes. They are beautiful. It doesn't matter if they are cursed or not. I love you no matter what," he declared, his voice filled with sincerity. In that moment, he began to peel the tape off his own mouth, revealing the slits on both sides. "Just like I don't need this," he continued, a testament to his acceptance and admiration of your true self. Overwhelmed with emotion, you leaned in and kissed him, a sweet and tender connection that spoke volumes of the love you shared. "I think you look cool, not to mention smoking hot," you teased, eliciting a shy blush from Obanai.

As you and Obanai emerged from your estate, the unexpected sight of everyone gathered before you took you by surprise. Unbeknownst to both of you, they had come together, eagerly anticipating your appearance. The moment their eyes fell upon the two of you sharing a kiss, cheers erupted, filling the air with their joyful exuberance. "Get it, Y/n!" they exclaimed, their laughter echoing through the crowd. Your faces flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and delight, as you found yourselves basking in the support and love of your fellow Hashira.

In the comfort of your respective estates, you and Obanai found solace in each other's presence. Despite having your own homes, you often stayed over at one another's place, relishing in the shared moments of intimacy and companionship. When nightmares plagued your restless nights, Obanai was always there, a steady presence offering comfort and solace. He would hold you close, allowing you to cry into his chest, absorbing the weight of your fears and offering reassurance that you were not alone. Together, you navigated the depths of your emotions, finding strength and healing in each other's embrace.


As your brother rushed towards you, his tear-stained face reflecting the overwhelming emotions coursing through him, you enveloped him in a warm embrace. The tears that fell from his eyes were testament to the profound impact of the memories that had resurfaced within him. Tenderly, you posed a question that carried weight and significance. "You regained your memories, right?" you asked, your voice filled with gentle concern. In response, your brother nodded, his gaze filled with a mixture of relief and sadness.

But you, the pillar of strength and resilience, gently wiped away his tears. You refused to allow sorrow to consume the precious moments you shared together. "Don't cry, Mui," you whispered, your voice brimming with love and reassurance. "They are so proud of us, I know they are. They are watching over us, guiding us from above." A soft smile graced your lips, your eyes shimmering with the unspoken bond that existed between you and your departed loved ones.

In that tender embrace, you found solace and strength. The weight of the past, the trials you endured, and the losses you experienced were momentarily cast aside. Instead, you chose to focus on the love and support that still reverberated through your lives, even in their absence. With your brother by your side, you held onto the belief that your parents and Yuichiro were eternally connected to you, their spirits intertwined with your journey.

Through the shared memories and the unbreakable bond you both possessed, you forged a path forward, carrying the torch of their legacy. Their presence may have transformed into a cherished memory, but their influence remained imprinted upon your hearts. Together, you vowed to honor their memory, to live a life worthy of their love and devotion.

As the tears gradually dried, a sense of peace settled over you. The weight of grief and longing began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and resilience. United in the face of adversity, you and your brother faced the future with renewed determination and a profound understanding that the love you shared with your family would forever endure.


Months turned into a blissful journey of love and growth for you and Obanai. Despite the ongoing battles and the demands of their duties as Hashira, you both nurtured your relationship, allowing it to flourish. In between fighting demons and protecting humanity, you made time for cherished moments, going on dates, and sharing a life together within the same estate. Obanai's love for you knew no bounds, and he became your steadfast protector, always attuned to your needs and desires. His dedication and devotion filled your heart with warmth and security, and you treasured every precious moment spent together.

From Obanai's perspective, the day had finally arrived—the culmination of months of planning, aided by the support of the other Hashira. He knew the perfect place to propose: y/n's favorite spot, a serene enclave adorned with cherry blossom trees. With the help of the other Hashira, a beautiful dinner had been prepared, ready to serve as the backdrop for a momentous occasion. Meanwhile, your brother, ever the supportive companion, discreetly guided you to dress elegantly, ensuring that everything was set for perfection. The other Hashira hid nearby, awaiting their cue to emerge and celebrate your love should you say yes.

As you arrived at the picturesque location, your eyes widened with awe and delight. The sight before you took your breath away—a beautiful dinner, meticulously prepared, and Obanai waiting patiently, a ring in hand. The cherry blossoms danced in the breeze, their ethereal beauty accentuating the significance of the moment. Time seemed to stand still as Obanai dropped to one knee, the ring held out towards you. Tears welled in your eyes, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. "Y/n Tokito, will you marry me?" he asked, his voice laced with love and anticipation. Overwhelmed with joy and love, you covered your mouth, nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, a million times, yes!" you exclaimed, your heart overflowing with happiness as you embraced Obanai.

In a burst of celebration, the other Hashira emerged, offering their heartfelt congratulations and support. Their presence served as a reminder that you were not alone, that you were surrounded by a family forged through shared experiences and unwavering camaraderie. As the echoes of their cheers filled the air, you basked in the collective happiness and shared the news of your engagement with those who had become an integral part of your journey.

The following day, excitement filled the air as everyone eagerly awaited a glimpse of the ring that adorned your finger. With a smile, you extended your hand, showcasing the sparkling symbol of your love. The Hashira looked on in awe, their eyes shining with genuine happiness for you both. "Congratulations, sis," your brother spoke, his words carrying the pride and love of your departed family. With tears of gratitude, you embraced him tightly, knowing that their presence and blessings remained etched in your heart forever. "Thank you, Mui," you whispered, your voice filled with love and appreciation for the unwavering support he had shown throughout your journey.

Together, you and Obanai embarked on a new chapter, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges may come your way. Surrounded by the love of your extended family, you carried the memories of your parents and Yuichiro within your hearts, confident that their spirits would guide and protect you as you stepped into a future brimming with love and happiness.

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