ꕥ𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙ꕥ

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Mitsuri's heart ached with desperation as she pleaded with Obanai to confess his feelings. The weight of the situation loomed heavy upon them all. It had been a month since they discovered Y/n's condition, and each passing day only brought her closer to the brink of mortality. The urgency in Mitsuri's voice resonated with the truth that time was running out. "You need to tell her! She's going to die!" she implored, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. Obanai, however, clung to the belief that Y/n did not harbor any romantic feelings for him. He was convinced that her affections were directed elsewhere, towards someone who could not reciprocate.

In Mitsuri's heart, she knew differently. She had witnessed the way Y/n looked at Obanai, the subtle signs of her admiration. Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue whenever he was near, a telltale sign of her affection. Mitsuri believed that Y/n's gaze held the same longing and desire that one would reserve for a person they truly loved. But Obanai remained blinded by his own doubts and insecurities.

Unable to sway Obanai, Mitsuri watched him depart on his mission, her heart heavy with worry. She knew that time was of the essence, and each passing moment brought Y/n closer to the edge of mortality. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her dear friend, and the weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon her.

Meanwhile, Y/n lay in her bed, her frail body racked with coughs that expelled not only delicate flowers but also the thorns that accompanied them. Shinobu entered the room, a somber expression etched upon her face. The reality of Y/n's deteriorating condition weighed heavily upon her. "Y/n, you're not getting any better. Please consider getting the surgery," she pleaded, her voice tinged with sadness and concern.

But Y/n's resolve remained unyielding. She had made her decision, steadfast in her determination to preserve her love, even if it meant sacrificing her own life. "I already told you no," Y/n uttered, her voice filled with quiet determination. Shinobu left the room, a profound sadness reflected in her eyes, knowing that time was slipping away, and with it, the chance to save her dear friend.

As the days grew shorter and the flowers within Y/n continued to bloom and torment, the weight of unrequited love and the impending threat of death loomed ever closer. The path ahead remained uncertain, and the fates of those entwined in this tragic tale hung in the balance, awaiting the moment when destiny would finally reveal its hand.


Obanai returned to find Mitsuri waiting, her tear-streaked face a testament to the gravity of the situation. Concern etched deeply upon his features, he anxiously inquired about what had transpired in his absence. Mitsuri's voice quivered as she delivered the devastating news. "Shinobu announced that... that Y/n is on her deathbed. She only has a little time left, Obanai... please, confess your feelings before it's too late," she pleaded, desperation evident in her voice.

The weight of those words struck Obanai like a thunderbolt. He realized the brevity of the situation, the urgency to bare his soul before the one he held dear slipped away forever. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted, his heart pounding in his chest, propelled by the overwhelming need to save Y/n.

Within the confines of the dimly lit room, you lay weak and frail, your gaze fixed upon your trembling brother. The tears streamed down his face as he cried, a desperate plea to hold on to the precious moments shared together. "Mui, my dearest little brother, I'm sorry I must go. It's my time," you whispered, your voice weakened by the ravages of your illness. Though each word caused pain to echo through your body, you mustered the strength to continue. "(Cough. Cough.) Never forget me, never forget the memories we made... You are kind and gentle, always. Through your kindness, I will join Yuichiro, Mother, and Father," you confessed, blood staining your lips.

As the final moments drew near, a sense of resignation washed over you. Yet, amidst the darkness, the sound of frantic footsteps reached your ears. Your vision blurred, the world fading in and out of focus. Feebly, you whispered, "I love you, Obanai..." Weakness seeped through every word, as you prepared to embrace the inevitable.

Obanai's voice broke, filled with anguish as he proclaimed his love for you. "I love you too, so don't leave me," he implored, his plea echoing through the room. And suddenly, as if touched by a miraculous intervention, you felt a surge of warmth envelop your being. Your heart, once fragile and broken, seemed to mend, beats aligning once more in harmony.

It took a full week of tireless recovery, but eventually, your strength returned, along with a newfound understanding of the depths of love. The once-imminent specter of death had been vanquished, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and gratitude. With the knowledge that Obanai loved you in return, you faced the future with courage and determination, ready to embrace the path that lay ahead.

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