Chapter 1: Prologue

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Hi, my name is Latrina Wilson, although my friends just called me Rina. I'm sixteen years old, have short dirty blond hair, bright blue eyes, 5'2, and my life sucks. The only thing I really find comfort in is music. I only listen to musicals, because all other genres suck and people just have to accept that fact, and my favorite musical is Phantom of The Opera.

I personally love the 25th anniversary recording of the musical and I think it's the only one people should care about. I mean like come on, who actually likes the 2004 movie for anything but Gerald Butler?

I'm sitting in my room listening to the Phantom of The Opera soundtrack on my phone when my mom walks in. I roll my eyes and take off my headphones as she begins to speak, "Honey, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" She asks me as I sigh in response, "Yes, mother, I have plans. I told you that already." I say with a frown.

"But we're going to see Hamilton, I feel like you would enjoy that musical." She replies back. I groan and facepalm, "No, mother, I wouldn't enjoy historical fanfiction". She sighs and turns away to leave, "Okay then, your choice." She states as she walks away. Her head turns and she looks at me, "See you later, Love you" and then she leaves.

God my parents are terrible. I sigh, exhausted, and put my headphones back on. Once my music returned I began to think about today's plans, which was just going to my friend's house, but my parents don't know that. I smile to myself as Music of The Night comes on, god I wish I could live in the musical.

Imagine how good life would be, not only would my horrible parents be gone, but I would have a chance with Erik. God, why can't my fantasies just come true? I want to be Christine, in fact I think I'd make a great Christine. I could totally fix Erik, make him a non-murderer, and live happily with him. I sigh to myself as the song ends, guess I was just born to suffer.


Three hours have gone by and now it was time to visit my friend. I walk out the front door of my house and put on my headphones, making sure to tune out the world with my music. The song playing was Point of No Return, which I of course knew by heart, and I started my journey to my friend's house.

My friend, Joella, also shared my opinions on musicals. It really just is us against the world at this point. I can't wait to spend hours talking to her about Phantom, we're both really big phans if you couldn't tell already, and of course we're going to rewatch the 25th anniversary recording together.

I started to cross the street as my head was deep within my thoughts. Just as Ramin was singing a reprise of All I Ask of You in the song, a truck that I hadn't noticed before came right towards me.

I gasp and don't even have the time to react as the truck slammed right into me. A surging pain shoots through me as I fly back. The song ended and everything went black.

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