Chapter two: A New Life

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Author's Note: Any words that are italicized are being sung.

I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in a dimly lit room. I don't remember anything except getting hit by that truck. Was I in the hospital? I look around, doesn't seem like it. There were no electric lights and the light was coming from a window and a few candles scattered around the room.

'What the hell?' I think to myself, "Where am I" I whisper under my breath. Suddenly I hear a voice from behind the door to the room, "Latrina? Latrina, are you awake?". I stare blankly at the door, I recognize that voice, but I have no idea from where.

I stay silent for a few seconds before responding, "Uh, yeah, I'm awake" I say hesitantly. After I spoke, the owner of the voice opened the door. I gasp, recognizing Sierra Boggess instantly, "thank god, I was worried after what happened" she says, relief evident on her face.

She was wearing an interesting outfit. It was almost like a swimsuit, at least the top half was, for the bottom half was a bunch of ribbons hanging down. The main colors were red and green arranged in alternating stripes with occasional gold accents. It was decorated with obvious fake cheap jewels on the gold parts. She was also wearing a golden jeweled tiara. What the hell was happening?

No doubt a look of confusion is evident in my face, "Sierra? What's happening?" I ask her. She frowns, "Who's Sierra? Is something wrong Latrina?" She replied back, sounding concerned. It was at this moment that I realized something, her hair was brown instead of its normal red. The room I'm in, no electricity, even the outfit she's wearing, it made me realize something. I somehow ended up inside the 25th anniversary version of Phantom of The Opera.

But this isn't in front of a live audience, like the recording, but in its own universe, like the 2004 movie somehow. I blush slightly, that means Ramin Karimloo is in this universe. "Latrina? Are you okay? You're acting weird." Sierra, no, Christine asks me. I snap out of my thoughts and respond, "oh, sorry, I just misspoke" I think for a moment, "uh, can you tell me what happened? I kinda don't remember anything." I add.

She walks over to the bed I'm on and sits on the edge and breathes a sigh of relief, "thank god" she says, her smile returning. "During the rehearsal for Hannibal, you fell down and hit your head pretty badly. We were worried that your brain might have gotten seriously damaged, guess we were wrong" she adds, laughing a little.

So that was a development, "how much time has passed?" I ask her, trying to dig out more information. "Oh don't worry, it's only been about two hours since the incident. If you feel fine then we can return and resume as usual." She answers back.

I nod my head, "uh yeah, I feel perfectly fine. We could totally continue the rehearsal." I say, laughing nervously when I finish. It was at that moment that I looked down to see that I'm wearing the same outfit as Christine, minus the tiara. I look back up and see her handing it to me, "put this on, I'll meet you outside the room" she says, getting up and walking out the door.

I hold the object in my hands, "This better not be a dream" I mutter under my breath as I put it on. I swear to god if this is a dream and I wake up the moment Ramin appears I will jump in front of another truck.

I get off the bed and walk outside the room, meeting Christine by the door. "Ready?" She asks, smiling kindly. I nod my head, "yes I'm ready for this" I say back, returning the smile. After I responded she took my hand and started to lead me off to a different part of the opera house, and at this moment, I knew my life was going to change forever.


The rehearsal went on exactly like it did in the musical. I don't even know how I knew all the dance moves to it, I'm not a dancer, I guess being transported to this world changed me somewhat. I even learned a few going's about my life here due to the other dancer's gossip, such as the fact that I'm Christine's cousin from Poland. This was really a phangirl's dream, being in the middle of this set, dancing with everyone else, even Carlotta was pretty good.

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