Chaper five: Music of The Night

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Author's Note: all dialogue that is italicized is being sung

I stare at the man in front of me, the Phantom, my Erik, and god he's hot. We kinda just stand and stare at each other before he begins to sing again, "Night-time sharpens, heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination.". God his voice is so good, no wonder Christine was so into him during this song in the recording.

"Silently the senses abandon their defenses." He sings out, making these grand gestures with his hands. Erik walked out from behind the organ, "Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour. Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender." He sings as he walks closer to me. I look him in his eyes, his beautiful and tremendous eyes, as he gets closer to me.

His hand shoots out and lightly hovers over my check, barely touching it but also not. "Turn your face away from the garish light of day." He sang out while turning my head in the opposite direction. He gently placed his fingers under my chin, "Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light" he sang as he moved my head to be facing him once more.

I am once again staring into his deep, lustrous eyes. His face contorts into a look of embarrassment and he paces away from me, "And listen to the music of the night" he sang, facing away from me. I blushed fiercely even though I missed the feeling of his hand on my face. The way it felt on my check, warm and soft, it made my heart flutter with joy.

He starts to circle around me, "Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams," he sings, pointing his hand in my direction. As he sang, he got even closer to me, he was now right at my side. Erik's hand hovered over the side of my face, "Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before" his hand balls up into a fist and he places it in front of my chest. "Close your eyes..." I listen to him and I close my eyes, "...and let your spirit start to soar". I tilt my head to the sky, memorizing what Christine does and replicating it perfectly.

I open my eyes and I turn my head to the side. I once again stare at Ramin's eternal beauty. This man is so handsome somehow, and the white mask on the right side of his face for some reason makes it better. Maybe this is why people liked Gerard Butler in the 2004 movie, even I have to admit that he's pretty attractive, but even then he can't sing nearly as well as my Ramin. Plus his voice, oh god his voice. The way it can go from deep to light is so...intoxicating.

We stare into each other's eyes, "And you'll live as you've never lived before," he sang as he lifted his hand and lightly brushed a strand of my hair to the side. He breathed in and stepped back, "Softly, deftly music shall surround you" Erik's wonderful voice sang. "Hear it, feel it" he sang as he opened his arms wide, "Closing in around you" he finishes, clasping his hands together at the end.

Erik started to make his way over to the organ while still facing me. I slowly followed after him, following the movements that Christine is supposed to make in the recording. "Open up your mind," he sang, "Let your fantasies unwind" he was still walking towards the organ, and I was still following after him. He finally reached the organ and leaned his back against it, I was still slowly walking up to him, "In this darkness, which you know you cannot fight".

I lift my hand up and reach towards his mask, "The darkness of the music of the night" he aggressively sings in response. I put my hand down back to my side and I quickly back away, although I didn't turn from him like what Christine does in the recording. He points his arm in my direction, "Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world" he sang as I finally turned away from him, "Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before".

I absentmindedly wander around, staring at my surroundings of the lair. 'Lair', such an unflattering name for someone's home. "Let your soul take you where you long to be" I hear Ramin's voice sing as I feel his presence nearing behind me. "Only then..." I could feel that he was right behind me now.

He lifts his arm up and starts to pass it over my neck, "...Can you belong to me" his arm is now fully hooked over my neck. I close my eyes and I lean my head on it, I can just imagine how red my face is at this moment. I here him sigh softly, "Floating, falling. Sweet intoxication" he sings softly. This moment just felt so...romantic. The sound of his voice, the atmosphere, the way his body warmth seeped into mine, the softness of his jacket sleeve on my check. This is something I've dreamed of many times in the past, I really do wish that this could go on forever.

"Touch me, trust me" hearing Ramin sing that line specifically to me makes my heart flutter. My breathing started to get more heavy as I reached my arm up, unconsciously beginning to touch his mask. "Savour each sensation" his voice became panicked as my fingers lightly grazed his mask. His hand quickly and harshly grabs my wrist, pulling my hand away from his face. My eyes snap open and we both back away from each other, my wrist still in the firm grasp of his hand.

I stare into his beautiful eyes as he begins to sing again, "Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in" he sang to me, his grip on my wrist loosening. He pulled me closer to him and held my hand between the two of his, almost as if he was sorry for holding my wrist so tightly. "To the power of the music that I write" Erik was now leading me closer to the gondola sitting on the shore of the lake.

We were now nearing the part of the song where Christine is supposed to pass out, but I don't want to. I want to experience everything that's happening. "The power of the music of the night" he sang loudly, letting go of my hand and quickly backing away. This is the part, it's time for me to be carried in Ramin's arms, a dream come true for many phans no doubt. I can almost hear the sound of the music swelling as Erik rushes back over to me and grabs my wrist.

I turn around, close my eyes, and I go completely limp, trying to act like I had fainted. The act worked perfectly and he scoops me into his arm in one swift motion. God, I must be blushing so hard right now. Ramin, specifically when he played the Phantom, has always been a massive crush of mine. And now as I lay in his strong, muscular arms, I realize that I now have a chance with him. Sure, he may not be the actual Ramin, but this Erik was pretty damn close to him.

I feel him carry me a few steps before setting me down, presumably onto the gondola. I feel a slight twinge of disappointment until he places something warm and soft over top of me. I realize that he had laid his cloak over me, and god I was now surrounded by his scent due to it. "You alone can make my song take flight" he sings softly, as if he was afraid of waking me up by singing too loudly.

"Help me make..." his voice sounds farther away now, "...the music of the night" he finished the line, holding out the note on 'night'. I didn't dare to open my eyes, for the fear of him knowing that I didn't really pass out. I smile to myself, I can imagine how jealous Joella would be of me right now.

I jump slightly when I here the loud slamming of keys on the organ, I seriously have no idea why Christine doesn't wake up when he does that. I wait in silence for a few seconds, I know time is supposed to pass, I just don't know the right moment to "wake up" and sing.

I sigh quietly to myself, guess I'll just have to wait for now. And while I wait, I'll plan. I'll plan something that'll make this story my own.

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