Chapter Four: Meeting Raoul/The Phantom of The Opera

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Author's note: any dialogue that italicized is meant to be sung. Also during the duet parts the bold and italic words are words being sung by Erik.

I turn away from Sierra and sit down at the vanity at the other end of the room. I stare at myself in the mirror and realize just how beautiful this universe made me. I also realized something else, I'm definitely not 5'2 anymore. In fact, I'm almost the same height as Sierra now. I started to ponder this, does this also mean that I'm also the same age as her? I think that might be true, considering the fact that we had a childhood together apparently.

I then heard the door open and the laughter died down in the hallway. Hadley was now officially in the room I'm in. I turn to the door and I see him and Sierra hugging. I give a small sigh and smile at them, they can actually be pretty cute together sometimes.

I gotta give some points to Hadley, he makes a pretty cute Raoul. Plus he's pretty attractive, definitely not as attractive as Ramin for no other man could match him, but he's still good looking. No wonder him and Sierra have such good chemistry, they really are the perfect versions of Christine and Raoul.

The two leave their embrace and they both turn to me, I simply smile in response to their action. Hadley, aka Raoul, smirks and walks up to me, holding out a rose in front of him. I blush a little as I take it from him, god I can't believe that I'm blushing because of Raoul of all characters.

Christine walks up to the two of us and Raoul turns to her. He takes her hand into his, "What a wonderful night for us three to meet again" he says in a somewhat hushed voice. Christine giggles, "Of course, of course" she replies, her voice also slightly hushed, as if the two almost didn't want me to hear their conversation.

"Little Lotte" Raoul says before turning in my direction and vaguely gesturing to me, "And of course the talented Little Latte" he adds, smiling. So that's interesting, I was given a special nickname by him sometime in the past. This just confirms my theory of being aged up in this universe even more.

I stop thinking for a second and I realize that they both moved across the room. Christine and Raoul now stood in front of the massive mirror in the room. I stay seated, not wanting to ruin their moment. It's not like Erik is into Christine it seems, she can have her happy moments with Raoul while I get to have mine with Erik later on.

"...Little Lotte let her mind wander..." I heard Raoul practically whisper sings to Christine. God, why do they have to be so cute together. It's Raoul, he's not that great of a character, I mean compared to Erik of course. I mean, who actually likes Raoul. He's pretty useless in the grand scheme of things, like come on, he can't even listen to basic instructions.

I turn away from them and I stare at my reflection in the vanity mirror once more. God, just let this torture be done already. Their chemistry is too overwhelming for my taste, it makes me slightly sick in some way. It's just like what I said before the incident with the truck, I guess I was just born to suffer, and here it means suffering through this interaction.

I jumped slightly when Raoul headed over to me and placed his hands onto my shoulders. I look up at him and give him a small smile, "And of course the triumph our new Prima Donna made tonight" he says, looking at Christine who was now standing in front of the door to the room.

I blush slightly after his compliment, Christ I really need to stop blushing for this man, my heart is reserved for Erik not Raoul. "You can give all the credit to my Angel of Music not me" I say back to him, "He gave me my voice after all" I add in a whisper. Raoul didn't seem to notice my words, for his eyes stayed glued to Christine and he didn't respond.

Christine slowly made her way over to us, "She's truly been visited by the Angel of Music Raoul" she says to him, flashing me a smile. Raoul moves closer to her, "No doubt of it. And now, we go to supper." He says to her. He then turns to me, "And of course you're coming too, we have so much to catch up on" he adds.

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