Chapter three: Think of Me/Angel of Music

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Author's note: any dialogue that is italicized are being sung.

I stare at Meg, "What?" I whisper to her, frantic. What was she talking about? I can't sing, I never could. "Oh come on Rina, you always talk about your 'Angel of Music'. Surely you could do it with the help of your tutor" Christine says to me. Oh, so that's why, I'm basically taking the place of Christine while not actually being Christine.

I blush, this also means that Ramin-I mean Erik is my Angel of Music. I get to interact with him, this really is a phan's dream come true.

Meg leads me to the middle of the stage. I stand still, everyone staring expectantly at me. Madame Giry nods at me with a knowing look on her face. Well, I guess I have to do this for the story to progress.

I hold my head high and start to sing, and god, it was amazing. I didn't know how I was singing this well, I've always been a terrible singer. My voice was always like how Christine's was a few moments ago, I guess...I guess that when I was transported here our voices were switched somehow.

"If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me." I stop singing, kinda instinctively since this is where the scene transitions in the recording. Christine rushes over to me, "That was amazing Latrina!" She exclaims to me.

I feel a tear slip down my check, I've never been loved like this before. I quickly wipe it away, "Thank you, I didn't think..." my voice trails off. Christine looks confusingly at me, but before she can talk again Madame Giry steps in front of her and takes my hand. Meg walks over to us and takes my other hand, they then start to lead me away, leaving Christine behind.


The days went by, with me now in the lead role in Hannibal, they were very eventful. It felt weird knowing everything that I've never even experienced before. Songs that weren't in the musical but in the opera felt so familiar yet so strange at the same time.

Throughout the days, I stayed close to Christine at all times, wanting to get used to this world. It was strange, I was no longer Latrina Wilson, but Latrina Daae now.

Though I was slightly disappointed, Erik hasn't visited me yet. I get that he shows up later on in the recording, but he's supposed to be my tutor, my Angel of Music. I inwardly sigh, I guess I just have to wait for now, no matter how hard I want to see him face to face.

At least something eventful was finally happening, the opening night for the opera was today. Everything was going as planned, my voice was perfect, so was my outfit, and the entire house was booked. Though I was a bit sad that Carlotta never showed up again, guess I'll just have to wait for them to sing Prima Donna to see her again.

I now wait back stage, waiting for my moment. I feel like I'm on the verge of crying, and I can't tell what emotion is causing it.

I listen to the singing and music happening on stage, it's almost time. I look down to my dress, which is much better than the one in the 2004 movie, it looked exactly like the one Christine wore in the recording. It was almost like the outfits that the dancers wear, except instead of the weird ribbon bottom part, it was a full dress skirt.

I was deep in thought when something snapped me out of it, it was time. I knew it in my gut, it was time for me to sing.

I grasp the scarf I was supposed to hold and walk out on stage. The room goes quiet, presumably because of how beautiful I look, and they all stare at me in anticipation. I hold my head high, take a deep breath, and begin to sing in the most powerful voice I can muster. "Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye" I start to slowly pace around the stage, "Please promise me you'll try. When you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free. If you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me".

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