No matter what (fluff)

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Song: The Beach - The Neighborhood

TW: this story deals with the attempted sexual assault in the last episode of season four. Sexual assault is never your fault and your experience is valid no matter the circumstances. Help is out there and you will be believed.

You walk into Carl's room. Somewhere he has barely left since Negan came.

"Hey lets do something today!" You said cheerfully.

No response. He's sitting cross legged on his bed, twiddling his thumbs with his head down.


He jerks his head up. "Huh? What?"

"Let's go do something." The enthusiasm fading from your voice.

"Oh, no, I'm too tired." His tone was blank and void of any emotion.

"You've been saying that a lot. Are you sleeping?"

"I don't know, why do you care?"

"Carl are you trying to break up with me?"

That caught his attention. "Why would you say that? Why would you even think that?"

"Because Carl! You've barely said a word to me for three weeks! You're avoiding me and acting like I don't exist! You don't even leave your room anymore! So if you are trying to break up with me, please just fucking do it!" You yell.

"No! No! I'm not breaking up with you! I would never do that! None of that- none of this has anything to do with you!"

"Then why?! Why are you doing this?!" You said with desperation filling your voice. "I get it Carl, you've lost people. And I understand that you need to grieve, and I've given you space, but you haven't even left your fucking room in three weeks! And I'm your girlfriend! I'm the one person you're supposed to turn to! And you refuse to even do that!"

"Ok ok fine! Fine I'll go! I'll do something with you! Please just stop yelling at me!"

"You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm really sorry." You walk over to him and sit on the bed next to him. You put your arm around him and pull him against you. "I know this isn't just you grieving. Tell me what's going on."

"It's so stupid."

"It's not stupid if it makes you feel this way. Please talk to me. You know I'll listen no matter what."

He takes a deep breath before responding. "Do you remember terminus? When you asked me about the blood on my face and I told you it was just walker blood?"


"That was a lie."

"Ok so what really happened?" You say, moving some hair out of his face.

"We were camping on this road and I was sleeping in an abandoned car. I remember waking up to a man ripping me out of the car. My dad and Michonne had guns to their heads and they couldn't help me. He threw me on the ground and I tried to fight but he was too strong. He just laughed at me. He um, he flipped me onto my stomach and held me down." He took a big, labored breath in as his voice starts to break. "A-and I uhm. He unbuckled his belt. I just remember feeling so helpless. My dad got control over the situation before anything else happened but I was still shaken after. A-a-and I thought I had gotten over it but when Negan forced me on my stomach, the same way he did. I-i-it just took me right back there. I can't stop thinking about it. I feel stuck."

You wrapped your other arm around him and started playing with his hair to comfort him. He was crying pretty hard and you tightened your grip around him. He always loved when you held him tightly. It made him feel safe, stopped his mind from wandering. It kept him from disassociating and being pulled to a dark place in his mind. A place where you didn't exist, a place where no one did.

"Heyyyy shhhh. Listen, what happened to you was terrible, and you did not deserve any of that but I need you to understand that it's over and you're here now, and so am I, we're here together and I love you more than anything in the world." You said as gently as possible.

He takes his head out of your chest and looks up at you.

"You know you're my everything right?" You say in a caring and soft tone.

"Well you say it constantly so it'd be pretty hard not to."

"Just making sure." You wipe some stray tears from his cheeks and place a slow, loving kiss on his lips. By now, you were able to get a good look at him. He was pale and his lips had no color whatsoever, his eyes were red and they carried bags underneath them that made you ask the following question. "Have you been sleeping or eating at all?"

"Barely. I can't really sleep, no matter how tired I am. And I haven't wanted to eat anything."

"Do you think it'll help if I sleep here, with you tonight? Or you could come sleep at mine?"

"Yeah can we go to yours? I'm getting kinda sick of this room. Plus your bed is nicer than mine." The sadness slowly leaving his voice.

"Oh so that's why you're always trying to get in my bed?"

"That... and, other reasons." That stupid smirk he always does appears on his face.

"Well you can show me all those reasons when we get there." You hug him tightly again.

A/N: I don't like how AMC never brought up what happened to Carl so here take this

946 words

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