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●Everything happens for a reason, but sometimes what happens is taken the wrong way. The only way to know is to reflect on how you reacted, and what else you could've done, how else you could've reacted●

■Quote by: Me.(I'll try to make a quote for every story chapter :D)■

Lies. That's the life he lived in. Lived. He's changed. You could say in a bad way, he won't deny it. Won't say he's changed for the better. He can tell many people want to know what happened. They've started to call him 'Ghost Spider'. He knows the Advengers are searching for him, that they refuse to tell the public what happen to their Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. What happened to Peter Parker...

-Flashback to about 1 year ago(Peter's 15)-

in this timeline (the whole story), unless said otherwise, Peter is 16. (yes, this takes place after NWH but don't ask why the Advengers remember Peter) just wanted to clear that up, also its 2023 when he's 16 in this story.

Peter swung into Advengers tower, almost shaking in excitement for their next mission. He was called in with Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, and Wanda Maximoff to investigate and take down a place they thought was working for HYDRA. 

Peter would soon learn that one mission would change his life forever...

The plan was, the 5 of them would go in, take down as many people as possible, get information from the main database, and get out. Peter was using his new suit, his Stealth suit, the one the public hasn't seen yet. This suit made his footsteps soundless, and by pressing a button on his webshooters, made specially for that suit, he could go invisible until pressing the button again. The suit was made of Nanotechnology, so it was easy to put on, similar to his 'Iron Spider' suit. The suit was black with a white Spider symbol in the middle. While the others fought, he snuck into the room that had the main database, took down any guards, and went into the database. Going through the files, he found an.......interesting file.

The file was under the recruits list.

The name was 'The Parkers'

In a confused daze, Peter clicked on the file.

He found something he should've never found.

Mary and Richard Parker.

Married Couple.


Boss and Co-Boss of the 'Animal Experiment' project.

Killed on July 3rd, 2014 in a plane crash while on the way to return to HYDRA with new information and a new Spider experiment. All the people on the plane were apart of HYDRA. Plane crash was not an accident, it was caused by Captain America and some others as their last attempt to stop us from getting the information. Spider is thought to have survived and been radioactive.

They have a 6 year old son, Peter Parker, who lived with his Aunt and Uncle, May and Ben Parker, after his parents died.

Their work was not in vain.

Peter re-read the file numerous of times, maybe hoping he'd read it wrong, but no, it said what it said. Peter sent the file to his computer and sent everything else to Mr. Stark, then closed out the database, leaving the room.

He took a death breath before his Spider-Sense went off. He jumped onto the ceiling and heard the sound of a gun going off. He pressed the button on his suit, turning invisible, and knocked the agent out.

He left the area, meeting up with the others. Peter couldn't help but look at Mr. Rogers, wondering if that file was just some trick.

Everyone else seemed to notice something was wrong with the young Advenger, as he didn't say a word when they returned, and went straight to his room.

Peter pulled out his computer and went over the file, read everything. He researched. And researched. And researched... the more he found, the more......resigned, he seemed.

He'd walk out some days and just completely ignore everyone, and sometimes he didn't even come out. It went on for weeks before anyone asked.

"What going on with you Peter?" Rhodey asked him one day when he'd completely snapped at Bucky. "You've been ignoring us, not coming out of your room, and sometimes you even send Steve glares out of nowhere! You've been like this ever since you came back from that mission. What happened?!"

"We want to help you Queens." Steve said. "But we can't if you don't tell us."

Almost everyone was there; Bucky, Steve, Rhodey, and Thor.

"Is it true.?" Peter asked, almost inaudible.

"Is what true, Man of Spiders?" Thor asks.

"My parents..." He asked. "Is it true?!"

"I don't understand." Steve asked him. "What happened to your parents?"

Peter clenched his fists. "I found a file at HYDRA. About my Parents. It said they worked for HYDRA, and that you caused the plane crash that killed them..."



"Your parents were on that plane?" Steve asked him in a quiet voice. "I didn't know..."

Peter almost couldn't believe it, his hero from when he was a kid killed his parents. He didn't know how to respond. Maybe that was when he truly broke. After recently losing his Aunt May, making basically the whole world forget Peter Parker, and almost killing someone, he's been on a fine line between good and evil, barely keeping together.

He subconsciously took a step back. He had a look of pure betrayal on his face.

"Who else..." He muttered. "Who else helped.?"

Maybe if his Father figure, Tony Stark was there, he might've been able to calm him down. Maybe Peter wouldn't be where his is now, but Stark wasn't, and at that moment, Peter might have officially changed for the worse.

"Clint, Natasha, Thor, and Me..." Rhodey said quietly. "We didn't have a choice, Peter, we couldn't let HYDRA get that information."

Peter stopped listening, he didn't truly hear what Rhodey said after.

"Tony didn't help us, he didn't think it'd be the best idea in the long run. Maybe if we'd listened, you'd still have your Parents. And for that, I think we owe you an apology..."

That's when he snapped. An apology... did they even think about the people until now? He didn't say anything. Nothing. He had nothing to say to them. He took another step back, and left the room, despite the sounds of protests behind him. He slammed the door shut and ran into his room, unaware of the tears streaming down his face.

He locked his door, staying in there for days on end.

After 4 days, he grabbed his Stealth suit and left.

-Flashback Over-

He's been out for months, staying in his Aunt and Happy's old apartment(pretending it didn't completely blow up... and that Happy moved...)

He's not......him...anymore. He has a part time job as an Assasin for HYDRA, his parents old employer's. When he's not doing a 'job',  he's planning. What is he planning? Many people will say different things, but what his plan is... his plan is how he's going to get Revenge for his Parents. 

He's not Peter Parker. He's not Spider-Man. No, he's what many call 'Ghost Spider'.

Lies. That's the life he lived in. Lived. He's changed. You could say in a bad way, he won't deny it. Won't say he's changed for the better. He can tell many people want to know what happened. They've started to call him 'Ghost Spider'. He knows the Advengers are searching for him, that they refuse to tell the public what happen to their Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. What happened to Peter Parker...

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