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●666 is the devil's number, if 666 is a locker, I'm worried it's the devil's locker. That's all folks.●

■Quote by: Me.■

He doesn't talk to others, stays away from the public most of the time. "Friends are a weakness, a liability." He says. One he can't afford to have. But maybe, just maybe, if someone can find the right words, that might change...

The silence is enough to understand. He doesn't want friends, doesn't plan to make any. After months alone, and more months, even years, when he was Spider-Man, he's used to being alone. Used to keeping secrets.

You know, it's unexpected, unlikely, to meet people like you, ones who share your motives. Many have titles. You could be a Villain, Hero, God, Mortal, Mutant, Menace, Vigilante, Assasin, Anti-Hero. But these titles have descriptions, similar to a job.

He is an Assasin, yes, but you could also say he's a Villain. He does things that are wrong, he knows that. Maybe he's gone too far past his breaking point to care. He can see Iron Man flying around the city some days, looking for him. Looking for Peter. Maybe they know he's changed, maybe they have hope they can help him. He doesn't, he thinks he's changed, and there's no going back.

He may be different, but he'll never stop doing the one thing he still enjoys. On top of a school, one he used to go to, he sits on the rooftop, watching the cars pass by below him. These times are some of the only ones that make him smile nowadays. The times he doesn't have a care in the world. 

He'll sit there in silence, listening to the cars underneath him.

One day, he sits on the rooftop. Today was different then any other normal day. He knows enough about HYDRA to know that they're planning something. Something about him. He knew the Winter Soldier. Knew what they did to him. He makes sure that no matter what HYDRA does, that HYDRA knows he's his own person. HYDRA called him in today, asked what he can do. He answered, but not entirely.

He can tell someone has come behind him, but he doesn't know who. He turns and sees someone with a Red and Black suit, and can tell they're ready to fight if need be. But the grip the person has on they're weapons loosen when they realized he hasn't tried to attack yet.

"Sorry." They apologize, and He could tell they were male. "Asssumed they sent another Assasin to try to kill me. Emphasis on try."

"If I was send to kill you." He says. "You wouldn't have found me."

The person hummed. "So your that GhostSpider person, right?"

"Who's asking?"

"Just call me Deadpool. And I'm asking cause I'm bored."


He turned back to the city, ignoring the presence of the other person. He was slightly suprised when Deadpool sat next to him. He would've assumed he'd leave.

"What happened to you?" Deadpool asked him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, not really getting what he's asking.

"Well unless your some Psychopath who enjoys murdering people in cold blood, what exactly made you start this 'career'?" Deadpool made quotation marks with his fingers.

"That's private." He responded, glaring slightly.

"Alright, Geez Ghosty. Chill out!"

"Don't call me that."

"Sure, sure, whatev-" Deadpool had started, before being interrupted by the beeping of Ghost Spider's watch.

He looked at the watch and answered the call, considering it was from his 'boss'.

"Need something?" He asked the person on the watch.

The watch GhostSpider has is a contact device. When he's not at HYDRA, they use that watch to inform him of his next 'job' for them. It's used sparingly, considering some of the Avengers are able to hack into those type of things, it didn't have a strong firewall. It shows a hologram of the person talking.

"I have a new mission for you." His 'boss' said. "It's slightly harder than the others."

"Yhat's because?" He said in response.

"Your mission is to eliminate Nick Fury. He's currently at Avengers Tower having a meeting with the Avengers"

GhostSpider hummed. "Yes Sir."

Once he finally ended the call, GhostSpider stood up.

"I'm under the assumption your leaving?" Deadpool asked him.

"That assumption is correct, Goodbye." He responded, jumping off the building and swinging towards where he knows his target is currently at, Avengers Tower.

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