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Inioluwa's POV

Somebody get me out of here, ASAP.

I had been here, sitting on the hard black seat, legs crossed and hands folded, staring face to face with a stoic dark skinned man–the grim VP Administrative Mr. Kunle Aregbesola. My guess was the only reason he was here was to represent the Principal and take the conclusion of the matter to her. Plus, he was the head of the disciplinarian team. What my concern right now was that my patience was being lost and whoever was meant to address me should address me, so that I can get the F out of here and return to my friends–to tell them all that went down.

I glanced at my wrist watch. Five minutes had passed by.

The black themed room seemed to be closing in on me right now and would someone please get this creaking fan away from here and while they are at it; also remove Mr. Aregbesola's intruding being. His whole disposition was creeping me out; he was known to be a loud and abrasive man who constantly condemned the Gen-Z generation but now he appeared calmer than usual, something was definitely up.

" Mr. Aregbesola, when can I leave?" I asked; my voice straight and bold.

" So, you can talk?" Mr. Aregbesola said, twisting his face.

" Well, of course. This isn't a deaf and dumb academy. " I shot back.

My mother always told me to speak my mind, regardless of who I was up against. I should voice out my opinions and never let anyone silence my voice. For all I know, they had nothing on me.

" Wa kuro tia gbati fe kio kuro lo. " Mr. Aregbesola shot, pushing his old man glasses up.

You will leave when we want you to leave.

I groaned. We? Who were the other staffs that would occupy the empty seats next to him?

The iron door opened.


The guidance counsellor; Mrs. Maryjane Ebiye walked in and right behind her was a security officer; who held a thick school bag.

I remembered that the disciplinarian team had eight members but it looked like only two staffs would be addressing me today minus the security officer who seemed more like an errand boy in the situation. Mrs. Ebiye had a red folder in her hand and she took a seat at the right hand side of Mr. Aregbesola while the security officer stood, the ominous black bag still in hand.

" Okay. . ." Mrs. Ebiye said, adjusting her dress on the seat.

I leaned in forward and placed my hand on top of the table. Ready to hear whatever they had to say and say whatever I wanted to say.

Mrs. Ebiye slid the paper to Mr. Aregbesola and he wasted no time in digging his attention into it while I stared blankly at the two of them.

Mrs. Ebiye began, " Miss. Ruby Inioluwa Adewale. How are you doing today?"

" I was fine till I was called here. " I said, plainly.

" Do you know why you were called here?" She asked, in a nurturing voice. The same voice she used when she advised against Premature sex and other social vices. She used it to build some sort of assurance between the student and her. I did not need assurance from her or anyone here.

I shook my head.

" Can't you answer?" Mr. Aregbesola banged his folded fist on the table.

Awwn. . .he thinks he scares me, how cute?

" Nope. I don't know why I'm here." I said, twirling my braids.

Mrs. Ebiye gave him a caring side look, " Mr. Aregbesola, your HBP. I'll handle this. " then she looked back at me. " Miss. Adewale. I went through your school records and I know you have an impeccable school record not to mention you have won countless awards for this school. You are one of this school's pride."

I know. I know. I'm too good. Continue to shower me with praises and I'll let you in on my skincare regime to fix that thing you call a face.

I smiled.

She continued, " And that is why it pains me to know that one of our stars is not who we think they are. "

Seriously. If you think, I'm two-faced, you haven't met the rest of my gang.

Mrs. Ebiye gestured for the huge brooding officer to bring the bag. The security officer placed it in front of her and brought out a large black leather that was inside the bag, he then proceeded to reveal the contents of the bag.

Heaps of printed papers. A pack of condoms. A pack of unlit cigarettes. A swiss army knife. Some unknown pills.

I looked at the items with a blank expression. Bigger shit than this ran in this school so I wasn't surprised.

" So. " I said.

" So. . .Miss. Adewale, we have reasons to believe that these contraband items belong to you. "

" No way. " I said, squeezing my eyes and shaking my head over and over.

" Yes way. " Mr. Aregbesola added, mocking me by shaking his head as well.

" Do you know what these are?" Mrs. Ebiye answered, picking them up to flip through them.

" Papers. " I shrugged.

" Stolen examination papers from the school. " Mrs. Ebiye answered, picking them up to flip through them.

" Examination papers which you stole. " Mr. Aregbesola accused.

I shook my head. " No. No, why would I steal exam papers. I am naturally intelligent and. . .and what evidence do you have that proves I am the culprit here?"

My mother told me that whenever a person was being accused of doing something, always ask the accusers to back it up with reasons–through those reasons you can back yourself up.

" Bring out the remaining items. " Mr. Ebiye instructed the security officer. Are they still some stuffs in the bag? He came forward and out of the smallest zip of the bag were items that very much belonged to me.

My missing ID card and my very expensive customized necklace.

Inioluwa was inscribed in gold; a precious gift from my mother.

" Whose ID card is this?" Mrs. Ebiye asked. " And whose necklace is this?" She waved the items in my face.

" Just because they were found in the bag doesn't mean they are mine and besides those items were stolen from me last term. " I said.

Mr. Aregbesola chuckled even the brooding security officer had found his smile.

" I am innocent and I did not bring all this stuffs to this school. " I continued. " I am innocent. "


The level of sass 💅🏼

Also. My Yoruba readers feel free to correct me. I did not make use of the signs but I hope the spellings are correct.

Remember to vote and comment. ( I want to know whether this chapter was a good read as it was for me.)

I'll meet you all at Chapter seven. Don't be late. . . .


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