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" Can you pass the jug?" Inioluwa's bossy voice said. She was seated right in front of me and yet she still demanded I pass the jug the was within her reach. I sighed and passed the jug.

I knew exactly what she was doing. She wanted to make sure her offer still danced in my head.

I chewed on the red-orange jollof rice, still in disbelief that today was happening. When I woke up today with a red stain on my pajamas I did not expect that unusual events would take place.

For how long had my dad been seeing Inioluwa's mom and why had he failed to inform me that he was seeing her at least a heads up would have been nice. I gave him a hard look but he was engrossed in eating, smiling sheepishly and chatting with Mrs. Adewale to pay any attention to my facial anger.

The relationship between him and her seemed out of place. She dealt with misogynistic men in courts while he handled the bustling life of being a servant of the government –completely different lives. And, he seemed to have forgotten that we are a unit and whatever affected him would affect me as well but instead of my case to be about scheming of ways to snap my dad out of the enchantment spell my possible stepmother had put on him, mine would have to be dealing with a potential step sister.

No way.

This was probably a fling. Although, this was the first time my dad was introducing me to a woman. I doubt he had been in a relationship, his sole aim was to raise me but now that I was fifteen years old and basically considered grown, maybe he wanted to take a chance with love. I support that.

He deserved to do his own thing but could he not at least pick a woman that wasn't Inioluwa's mother. At least someone who wasn't linked to a daughter who went to my school and was a member of Prestige.

And what was Inioluwa thinking by the way, meeting me and telling me to be her puppet. Unbelievable right?

Inioluwa wanted me –Chisom Nnaji, to get swim my way into Prestige and eventually become a member to help her snoop on them.

I can't.

I couldn't.

But if I did. Maybe. Just maybe. I could find out what transpired between them and Isioma. I could find out what made her commit suicide.

" Chisom!" My dad called.

" Yeah!" I gulped down my glass of water, hoping it was not obvious that I had zoned out again.

" Bimbo asked you a question." He said, his eyebrow raised.

" What?" I said, shifting my glance from him to her. " Sorry, ma I didn't hear you. "

" Don't worry dear. I'll repeat myself. " Mrs. Adewale said, with a smile. Inioluwa and her mother were a spitting image of themselves but her mother's look was more friendly and Inioluwa's own was not. " I was thinking. . . Inioluwa will need some good company during her suspension and from what your father has told me about you. I was asking if it will be alright with you if Ini comes regularly to be spending some time with you. You could keep her posted on school works. You girls can learn a lot from each other. "

" What?" I blurted out.

Inioluwa's face was lit up. " Mommy, that's a wonderful idea. "

" If that's not okay with you. Then –" Mrs. Adewale said, noticing my distressed countenance.

" I agree with Ini on this one, it will be great for the two of them to hang out. Chi rarely brings friends over so if Ini is here they will have a lot of time to get to know each other. "

Thanks a lot dad.

Maybe. This won't be such a bad idea. I could make the best of it. Maybe the answer to what kept me up at night laid in Inioluwa.


I was second guessing myself. My hands fumbled with each other and my feet paced around the room. I haven't told Inioluwa my decision to be on board but I planned to. She was currently making use of the restroom and after that she would leave to her house so I had to do it now but something was stopping me. I had no idea what it was but it kept on saying " This won't end well. Nothing good comes from siding with a member of Prestige. " but I had to know.

I had to know what happened to Isioma.

The toilet flushed. The door opened and Inioluwa walked out of the door, smoothing her black off shoulder top and dragging her jeans.

" So. . . Chisom have you –"

It was my time to cut her off this time. " YES! I'm in. " I said, trying to act serious by crossing my hands together.

Inioluwa looked at me with widened eyes. " What made you change your mind?" She asked, grinning.

I moved my eyes around the room, intentionally avoiding her eyes. " Nothing. "

I did not want to tell her about Isioma's suicide link with her group at least not yet.

" You know what, keep your reason. I'll see you tomorrow so we can begin. "


My two girls are on board.

Can't wait for the planning phase. 🤐😈


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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