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Inioluwa's POV

Nothing made sense at the moment. Was my analysis and memory recalling trying to tell me that one of my most trusted ally had something to do with what happened to me? No, that can't be true. It was a loud crowded party and an unknown person must have stolen it from me. Yes, that makes more sense.

In the Prestige, We all loved and trusted one another and I refused to believe that they had any thing to do with what had happened with me.

What if they did?

Even if they did. What was the reason?

I shook my head. Jumping to conclusions was foolish. I need prove. Hard evidence. Something that would tie the knot together. I needed to know if the traitor lied within my circle. In order for me to do that I had to be with them and thanks to my suspension that was not going to be easy.

Ideas ran through my head, all futile. None provided me with a concrete way of interrogating my friends without raising any suspicion.


Saturday Afternoon and my entire house was being overrode by flowery choking perfume.

My mother had finally made up her mind to take me to see this special guy she had been seeing for a while. Normally, I would have refused to come along because dating was not a new thing for her. This guy would have to be like the eleventh guy, she had dated after her divorce.

Aside from me not wanting to be practically left alone in the huge house, sulking and wishing I had a better hypothesis to what happened to my necklace. One that did not involve my friends. A part of me also wanted to see this her new man who had captured her heart and taken her back into her dreamy teenage years. He had to be something special for my mother to spray almost all her entire bottle of perfume–on one meeting.

I laid on the cream sofa scrolling through my WhatsApp messages, waiting for two things; when my friends would reply back to my multiple text messages and when my mother would run down those stairs ready to leave.

Her heels came through, clinking heavily from the tiled floor to the ground. " Ini. Are you ready?" I looked up at her, confused by her question. I was the one who had been waiting, that question was meant for her as she had been the one running up and down the house like a frustrated bride whose husband never showed up to the wedding.

" Seriously, mom. " I got up, carrying my crescent bag on my hand.

" How. . .do I look?" She asked, placing one hand on her slim waist. Her entire outfit was giving; her simple black dress graced her figure nicely, she had ditched her short wig for a longer one, her heels and bag matched in red and although her makeup was loud. It still looked perfect but since I was suddenly in the mood to pull her legs a little, I decided to go with the opposites.

" It looks as if you are trying too hard. " I said, clinching my teeth together.

" Oh, shit! I knew it. " she said, passing me her red handbag and as she raced up the stairs she muttered, " I knew the makeup was too much. "

I giggled. My mother was a boss in the court but when it came to the dating world she was a mess. All thanks to my father of course, he ruined her perception of men but she was willing to look past it all to forge ahead.

She returned. Her makeup was barely noticeable. After a few clicks and snaps we conveyed to her lover's home.

It was a long drive. When we finally arrived, I wanted to go back home because the large black gate was not enticing and when we entered inside and I found out there were other tenants that occupied the compound. It made me realize that my mother had reduced her standard all in the name of love.

At the front door, my mother glazed a bit of red lipstick on her plump lips, gave a smack and knocked on the door earning a big eye roll from me.

The door opened revealing a tall muscular man, his shirt and trouser overshadowed by an apron he wore. The smile on his face was reciprocated on my mother's face.This was him.  They exchanged the usual greeting and full chested hug (which suggested there was more to this than friendship. ) and after he was done fawning over how delicious my mother looked. He turned his attention to me.

" This must be Ini. " He said, coming close to me for a hug but I opted for a handshake instead.

" Yes. My one and only. " My mother said, pulling me closer and rubbing my shoulder.

" Sorry. Don't mind me. Please, come in. "
He stepped aside for us to walk in.

The house was not that bad. It had the traditional Nigerian home setting. Something casual and classic. A living room area with some family photo, a dining room setting shielded by a light curtain and then several doors that led to other rooms.

" Make yourself at home. " He said, ushering us to the black leather couches.

My mother and I sat down next to each other and while she discussed with him, I chose to send more messages to my friends –still no replies.

" This one you are wearing apron. " My mother said.

" I was actually preparing jollof rice. I was about to put the rice on the gas before your arrival. " He said. " I should go -"

" Let me help. " My mother offered, putting her bag aside and greeting up.

" What? you are my guest. I can't allow and besides I don't want anything to happen to that dress. "

" I insist. "

I rolled my eyes. If the two of them were in the kitchen together, I believe jollof rice would be the last thing they would be cooking.

" Oh my God. I'm sorry for not asking sooner but where's Chisom?" My mother looked around.

I looked up and spotted next to the large flat screen tv, a photo frame of a girl in glasses smiling. She looked familiar, perhaps I had seen her somewhere but I couldn't recall.

" She's in her room. " He said, hands placed within the pockets of his checkered apron. " Ini, you can go ahead and meet her while your insisting mother joins me in the kitchen. "

" No -" I tried to say.

" Of course she will. Since they both go to Epiphany, they can catch up on school stuffs. "

My mother came towards me and pulled me up. I was not interested in catching up with anyone. And if she really went to my school, how come I had never seen her before? Come to think of it, I did not really care about any other students outside my circle.

" The room's this way. " He pointed to the direction of a shallow hallway by the left.

" Great. . ." I said, taking my handbag with me as I moved slowly to the direction of where he had pointed.

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