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Inioluwa's POV

On my rating scale, this room would have a five –out of my generosity but if I was going full critic, I would leave it to hang in the balance between a three and a two.

I heard blue coloured walls in a room boosted a person's creativity but the amount of blue in this room could make the room serve as the sky aside from that everything seemed okay. A nice average bed, white sheet covering. A small bookshelf. A reading area. A huge wardrobe with a lower outlet for shoes. A table with a small mirror next to the wardrobe reserved for her making up and beside the entrance door was another door and sound of water came through from it. That must be the bathroom and she must be in there.

I strolled casually around the room, dropping my bag on her bed, arriving at her bed table where a glass case and a picture frame had been propped. I picked up the framed photo, staring at the light brown girl deeply; her glasses did not fit her face at all but it did a great of hiding her acnes. The room was boring or so I thought until I spotted a blue box situated on her reading desk, it seemed as if the box was drawing it to me. I pushed aside all the boring school work that was next to it and took in the box.

What a piece.

" Who are you?! "

I did not realize that she was out. Her body still dripped of water and her eyes were shrunk and she appeared to be struggling to make out who I was. I stood still, the box still in hand, watching how she awkwardly made her way to her glasses and when she got them out, her eyes widened seeing her box in my hand and without warning she snatched it from me.

" Hey!" I said.

" Inioluwa. What. . .What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my house? " She asked, holding onto the box like her life depended on it.

" I'm just as surprised as you are, Ijeoma. " I sat on her surprisingly soft bed, pulling out my phone to take myself out of this conversation.

" It's Chisom. " she said, still standing. " And you haven't answered my question."

" Ijeoma do you go to Epiphany?" I said, looking up from my phone.

" Yes. Can you please. . .tell me why you are here?" She asked again, practically begging to have me out of her room.

I sprung up immediately. She does. I had to know exactly what I was dealing with. Who I would be dealing with? This girl right in front of me could be the answers I had been looking for. I moved towards her watching her closely, her eyebrows taking a high rise and watching me suspiciously.

" What are you doing?" She asked.

" Shush!" I said, hands crossed and tilting my head at different angles to understand how I could make do with the little I had. " You are not perfect but you will do. You have to do. "

All of a sudden, she frowned her face and scampered out of the room.

" She'll be back. " I said, hands crossed. After all, this was still her room.


Ijeoma was exactly what I needed. She was not in any was cool or spectacular enough to fit into the image I had of a spy but she was my only option right now and even though I had my work cut out for me turning someone who had no chance of joining Prestige into Prestige material, I just had to put in my all for this to work.

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