Chapter 6

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 (alright, alright just a WARNING: I only have a vague idea of how all the characters act so sorry if its a bit annoying <3)
 (also funny thing, i might just kill off characters since idk how they act :P butttt if you want them back ill consider doing a second "Round")
(With that aside! Hope you enjoy!)

 "That's fuckin' it." Red growled, standing up to head over to Classic.

 "I agree with you that this is annoying, Red, but-" Blue was interrupted by Red lifting up Classic's skull harshly.

 "WAKE THE SHIT UP LAZYBONES!" Red barked into his face, dropping it back down to be slammed into the table. Everyone stared for a moment, the loud noise startled them all.

 A few moments later, Classic lifted his head up slowly and ominously , left eye glowing intensely for extra effect. "you do understand Red, I c o u l d v e k i l l e d y o u w h e r e y o u s t a n d."

 Fell retreated, half traumatized, and half unbelievably surprised. "Wh-What the fuck's wrong with him?!" He tried to stay fearless, inevitably slipping up his own words anyway.

 "cheer up pal! I w a s o n l y j o k i n g." Sans seemed to be having fun messing around and frightening Red, chuckling to himself loudly.

 Nearly all the others seemed slightly scared too, then for some reason, Stretch had remained confident. He asked proudly but assertive. "Can you just tell us where and what you were doing this whole time, Classic?"

 Sans sighed, then took a deep breathe "well, I was alone here. so I decided to take a break." He described, his eyes shifting to their original white-pupiled state.

 Black crossed his arms like always, "We haven't even done anything but talk yet." He said accusingly, raising an imaginary eyebrow.

 "exactly, it wore me down to the bone."

 *ba dum tss* 

 There was much laughter coming from all these Sanses (and a single Papyrus) until Blackberry and Blueberry gave everyone cruel stare, making all the laughter hushed and come to an end.

 "Now, let's go along with the meeting. Please." Swap insisted, hopefully trying to stop any more horrible puns or fights. His brother nodded, clearing his throat to go along with Blue. "I agree with you bro, so who should we vote?" Stretch assumed quite quickly.

 "Mweh? I was thinking we just skip it since it doesn't seem like we have much evidence!" Blue motioned to a skip button on his tablet to everyone.

 "Right- sorry, didn't know there was a skip button bro.." Stretch took a boney hand out his pockets to rub the back of skull.

 A few murmurs were hears, but eventually everyone pressed the skip button, to where it showed a camera of the glittering stars out in space. A text was displayed in the middle of the screen, "No one was ejected. (Skipped)"

 "That's pretty cool!" Star exclaimed, somehow enthusiastic at all, the stars always looked fascinating, and to him, this made it a little more like home.

 "How is that cool?!" Fell panicked again, everyone seemed just INSANE to him, though. "That just means we'll get injected into space if we get voted out!" Seems like he probably wouldn't like the Anti-Void then...

 Black huffed, "Why be scared? You afraid someone's gonna see you kill and vote ya' out?" Many of the people here were on edge like Blackberry, causing them to accuse of such very quickly at the same time.

 "W-What? No, of course not dumbass." Fell stumbled and tripped over his sentences, putting his tablet away clumsily.

 He huffed once more, "Yeah right..." Black mumbled, putting down his device and crossing his arms childishly.

 MMMM- so yeah! this chapter took awhile XD but i have suggestions for... MORE CHARACTERS!!! (cause i keep finding aus that r good to be in here and adding them T-T)

and no worries, there is obvious characters im going to add (wink wink Error and Ink-)

but here are some i am thinking to add cuz yes.

Killer!Sans - Killer
Aftertale!Sans - Geno
XTale!Sans - Cross

 idk why i wanted to put them here but if you want you can comment which one you want so idk- (oh and yes, the next chapter will be very long, so no worries!)

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