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to minji's delight, it was another girl. she quickly ran up to her and introduced herself.

"hi! i'm minji, what's your name?" she asked, holding her hand out.

"i'm... i'm hanni..." the girl shyly replied, hiding behind ms. kim. "let's play together!" minji exclaimed, pulling hanni.

hanni shook her hand off, running to hide behind ms. kim. minji was confused.

"hanni, what's wrong? don't you want to go play with minji?" ms. kim asked.

"she looks scary," hanni softly said.

minji was surprised and a little hurt. "scary? why do i look scary?"

hanni hesitated, then pointed to minji's eyebrows. "it's... it's your eyebrows. they're so big and bushy. they look like caterpillars."

minji looked at her eyebrows in the mirror and winced. "oh no, are they really that bad?"

ms. kim stepped in to diffuse the situation. "hanni, it's not polite to comment on someone's appearance like that. and minji, your eyebrows are lovely. they're just a little... prominent."

minji sighed. "i guess i'll have to work on taming these caterpillars."

hanni looked apologetic. "i'm sorry, minji. i didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

minji shrugged it off. "it's okay, hanni. we all have things we don't like about ourselves. but i'll still play with you, even with my caterpillar eyebrows."

minji then pulled hanni along with her, excited to spend the day with her new friend. as they started to play, they spotted a pile of dolls in the corner of the room.

"let's rip these apart and make our own dolls!" minji suggested.

without hesitation, they grabbed the dolls and started to rip them apart.

ms. kim gasped. "what are you girls doing? you can't just destroy the toys!"

minji and hanni looked up, surprised. "but we're being creative!" minji said, holding up a headless doll.

hanni nodded in agreement. "yeah, we're making new toys out of the old ones. they look cute too!" she said innocently, holding up a head of the doll with one wet e missing.

ms. kim shook her head. "that's not being creative, that's being destructive. you need to respect the toys and take care of them."

minji and hanni looked at each other, unsure what to do next. suddenly, minji had an idea.

"wait, what if we use the ripped-up parts to make something new?" she suggested.

hanni's eyes lit up. "like a doll frankenstein! we can stitch all the parts together and make a new creation."

ms. kim smiled. "now that's being creative! just be sure to ask for permission before taking apart any more toys."

they started working on making their own new dolls with the ripped up dolls.

hanni was so proud of her new creation, a doll she had made entirely from scratch. she was eager to show it to minji and excitedly held it out for her to see.

"look, minji! i made a new doll and i'm going to name her after you!" hanni exclaimed with a big smile.

minji's face fell. "what? you can't name your doll after me! that's not fair!"

hanni looked confused. "but why not? you're my friend and i like your name. this doll will follow me around whenever you're not with me."

"but i don't want my name on a doll! it's weird!" minji protested, crossing her arms.

hanni pouted. "but i worked really hard on this doll and i want to name her after my best friend."

minji's expression softened. "okay, fine. you can name the doll minji. but just this once!"

hanni beamed with joy. "yay! thank you, minji!"

but as they continued to play, minji couldn't help feeling annoyed every time hanni referred to the doll as "minji". she tried to ignore it at first, but eventually, she couldn't hold back any longer.

"i don't like it when you call your doll minji! it's confusing!" minji exclaimed, her voice rising.

hanni looked hurt. "but i thought you said it was okay?"

"i know, but now it's bothering me! can't you name your doll something else?" minji pleaded.

hanni shook her head. "no, i really like the name minji. it's a good name!"

minji stomped her foot. "well, i don't like it! it's my name and i don't want it on a doll!"

hanni crossedher arms. "well, i don't want to change the name. it's my doll and i can name it whatever i want!"

the two friends continued to argue, with their voices getting louder and louder. "i don't like you and your stinky poo poo head!" minji yelled.

"my head is not stinky! minji has a stinky poo poo head, and a big squishy butt!" hanni yelled back, holding up the doll she made and squishing its butt.

"that's not nice you big meanie!" minji said. "oh wait, you're not big, you're short!"

"no! you giant... ugly troll!"

they started hurling insults at each other, and pushing each other. ms. kim ran to stop them from hurting each other.

but just then, the door opened. a girl walked in with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"hi! i'm danielle and i hope to become friends with you!"

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