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miss kim sighed as the energy in the room reached a new peak. with their parents due to pick them up soon, it was time to transition to naptime – easier said than done with this spirited bunch.

"alright, everyone, it's naptime," miss kim announced, her voice carrying a hint of both authority and hope.

hanni's eyes widened, a look of rebellion dancing across her face. "naptime? no way, i'm not sleepy!"

minji, on the other hand, seemed ready to embrace the idea. "come on, hanni, let's be good girls and listen to miss kim. she knows best."

hanni crossed her arms defiantly. "i don't wanna sleep! i'm tough and don't need naps."

"you're not tough, you're just stubborn," minji retorted, clearly determined to prove her point.

as hanni and minji engaged in their verbal tug-of-war, danielle was quite content with her own agenda. having finished her impromptu cookie feast, she was now meticulously wiping away the last few crumbs, making sure to leave no evidence behind.

meanwhile, hyein had climbed onto the kitchen counter, eyeing the sink with curiosity. with a determined grin, she declared, "i want to bathe in the mini bathtub!"

haerin, not one to be bothered, simply plopped down on the mattress, looking supremely uninterested.

danielle caught sight of haerin and an idea struck her. "hey, haerin, want to sleep together?"

haerin's eyes lit up, and without a second thought, she on the mattress towards danielle, closed her eyes, and started emitting little snores.

amidst the fading battle between minji and hanni, the exhaustion of their antics was beginning to catch up with them. their squabbles slowly turned into yawns, and their resistance began to wane. they all went back to the mattress and laid there.

seeing the perfect opportunity, miss kim started to play some lullabies on her phone. hanni's defiant stance softened as she listened, her eyes growing heavy.

"wow, this song is really nice," hanni mumbled, her resistance finally crumbling.

but then, in a surprising twist, hanni's sleepiness manifested in an entirely unexpected manner. she started swaying her hips and moving to the rhythm, her sleepy twerking turning into a hilarious dance.

not one to be left out, danielle saw the opportunity and sprung to her feet, twerking alongside hanni.

the others, despite their fatigue, couldn't help but join in, turning the naptime lullaby into a twerking extravaganza.

miss kim's horrified expression spoke volumes, and she quickly switched to a softer, more soothing lullaby in an attempt to regain control of the situation. the twerking gradually transformed into a gentle sway, and the children's energy finally began to wane.

hanni snuggled close to minji, their bickering long forgotten as sleep beckoned. haerin remained sprawled out, now softly snoring next to danielle.

as for hyein, she had been left alone in her quest for a sink bath. looking around and realising her friends were drifting off, she started yelling for help.

"i'm stuck!"

miss kim quickly sprung to action, and swooped hyein out of the sink. hyein giggled and crawled to the mattress as soon as miss kim put her down.

"hey, hyein, want to join us?" minji whispered, her voice barely audible.

a wide smile spread across hyein's face as she nestled into the cozy spot. the rest of the children scooted in, creating a squished but heartwarming little cluster in the center of the mattress.

and there, amidst the twinkle of sleepy eyes, the soft rhythm of miss kim's lullaby, and the warmth of their friendship, the chaos of newjeans daycare finally found its sweet and peaceful end.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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