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miss kim decided to take a short break, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the lively group. she stepped over to the corner of the room to brew herself a cup of coffee.

as she poured hot water into the french press, the rich aroma filled the air. she watched as the coffee slowly dripped into the glass container.

meanwhile, hyein, who was playing with minji and hanni, became intrigued by the dripping coffee. she watched it with wide eyes, and as each drop fell, she exclaimed, "pee pee!" loud enough for miss kim to hear.

the room fell silent for a moment as everyone turned to look at hyein, who innocently pointed at the coffee dripping from the french press. miss kim couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable mix-up. she walked over to hyein, a smile on her face.

"hyein, that's not pee pee," miss kim explained, trying not to laugh.

hyein looked at her with an expression of confusion, her eyes wide. "not pee pee? but pee pee, drip drip."

"no, sweetie. that's coffee," miss kim said gently.

"coffee," hyein repeated, her face lighting up with realization.

"yes, coffee! it's what grown-ups drink to help them stay awake," miss kim explained.

hyein nodded, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. "coffee."

miss kim ruffled hyein's hair and then returned to her coffee-making. as the coffee finished dripping, she poured herself a cup, savoring the moment of calm amidst the playful chaos of the daycare.

amidst the lively atmosphere at newjeans daycare, chaos reigned supreme. the children's energy seemed to be on overdrive, and the daycare room felt like a carnival in full swing.

haerin, as usual, was up to no good around hyein. she constantly hid around her, disrupting her play.

it was almost like a synchronized dance routine - as soon as hyein finished stacking, haerin's little foot came swinging down like a miniature wrecking ball.

and with each crash of the blocks, hyein's heartbroken wails filled the air, turning the once peaceful room into a symphony of sobs.

meanwhile, minji and hanni stood in front of a mirror.

they stood side by side, flexing their arms with all their might, their faces turning progressively redder as they competed for the most brawny appearance.

"i'm buff!" hanni exclaimed, her face red as she showed off her muscles with all her might.

"no, me!" minji yelled.

their playful muscle flex-off turned into a hilarious verbal sparring match, complete with dramatic gestures and over-the-top facial expressions.

"ha! hanni's got the muscles of a mini-hulk!" hanni boasted, her arms raised in a triumphant pose.

minji, undeterred, shot back with a flex of her own, causing her face to contort with the effort. "you think that's muscle? i've got the power of a tiny tornado!"

hanni rolled her eyes, playfully dismissing minji's claim. "tornado? more like a tickle storm!"

"tickle storm is for the weak! i am tickle storm!" minji said, turning to attack hanni with tickles.

"i came in like a wrecking ball!!!" haerin yelled, storming over hyein's blocks

"no, unnie! no wrecking ball- noooooo! waaaaaaa!"

"take that!"

in the corner, danielle has opened a jar of cookies and was quietly munching on them while watching the others fight.

"cookies yummy in my tummy!"

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