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seeing the new girl, danielle, minji and hanni immediately stopped their argument and ran up to her, eager to make a new friend.

"hi danielle! i'm minji!" said minji, grinning from ear to ear.

"and i'm hanni!" added hanni, her eyes shining with excitement.

danielle smiled back at them. "nice to meet you both! i'm so excited to make new friends here!"

as they chatted, minji couldn't help but notice that danielle's grandpa had dropped her off instead of her parents. curious, she asked, "hey danielle, why did your grandpa drop you off instead of your parents?"

"well," danielle replied cheerfully, "my parents are on a business trip!"

hanni looked puzzled. "a biscuit trip? what's that?"

minji tried to hold back a laugh as danielle looked equally puzzled. "no, no, hanni. it's not a biscuit trip," she explained patiently. "it's a business trip. it means my parents have to go away for work."

hanni's face lit up with understanding. "ohhh, i get it now! that's so cool!"

minji couldn't help but chuckle. "hanni, you're so adorable! a biscuit trip, really?" she teased, poking hanni playfully.

hanni blushed and giggled, "well, it sounded like a tasty trip!"

the three girls laughed and continued to chat, excited to get to know each other better. the conversation moved on to their favorite hobbies and interests, and before they knew it, it was time for lunch.

as they walked to the cafeteria, minji couldn't help but think about hanni's hilarious mix-up. "a biscuit trip, can you believe it?" she whispered to danielle, still giggling.

danielle chuckled. "hey, who knows? maybe one day we'll go on a biscuit trip together and eat all the biscuits we want!"

hanni's face lit up with excitement. "really? that would be so much fun! can we make it a cookie trip too?"

the girls all laughed and agreed, making plans for their imaginary "biscuit and cookie trip". as they sat down to eat, they noticed a new girl sitting by herself at a nearby table.

"hey, who's that?" asked danielle, pointing at the shy girl.

"that's haerin," replied miss kim. "she's new here, just like you!"

danielle smiled warmly and decided to go over and introduce herself. haerin looked up shyly as danielle approached, but her face lit up when danielle greeted her with a friendly smile.

"hi, i'm danielle! what's your name?" she asked.

haerin hesitated for a moment before whispering softly, "i'm haerin."

danielle sat down next to her and struck up a conversation, asking her about her favorite things to do and what she liked to eat. haerin slowly opened up and started talking more, feeling more comfortable around danielle.

as they chatted, minji and hanni watched from a distance, amazed at how quickly danielle had befriended haerin. but they couldn't help but notice how haerin was sticking to danielle like glue, following her every move and staring at her with adoration.

minji nudged hanni and whispered, "hey, do you think haerin has a crush on danielle?"

hanni giggled. "i think she likes her a lot! maybe she's in love with her!"

the two girls burst out laughing, imagining haerin as a lovesick puppy following danielle around. but they couldn't deny how cute and heartwarming it was to see danielle being so kind and welcoming to the new girl.

as they finished their lunch and headed back to the daycare room, haerin stuck close to danielle, holding her hand tightly. danielle smiled down at her and squeezed her hand in return, happy to have made a new friend.

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