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Onika's POV
March 24

"Ok, team." I clasped my hand as I paced the area by the entrance of the restaurant. All the tables were pushed to the side because they hadn't been set up yet. Everyone that worked in the restaurant stood in here, so it was full. "We have a busy day. Friday is always the busiest."

Friday was mainly busy because lots of people, surprisingly, took Friday off instead of days like Saturday and Sunday. So I knew OTMK would be busy.

I received a few nods of agreement and understanding.

"The second those doors open, I want smiles on faces. Efficiency is key and quality. Do not forget quality." I exaggerated the last part and I heard a few laughs. "I love you guys. Let's get this place set up."

With that, I dismissed everyone to do what they needed to do. All the chefs and kitchen staff headed to the kitchen. The security went to the front or to the staff room. Then the waiters and waitresses went to fix the tables. The restaurant had booths but there were also tables across the middle sector. So they pulled the tables inwards.

The smile never left my face as everything fell into perfection. It always felt like a dream when I came to work.

Ever since the fainting thing, I was able to enjoy work more because I had more time off to appreciate it.

As everything was being set up, I walked around the restaurant to oversee everything. It was all perfect.

"If y'all need me, you know where to find me." I spoke loud enough to be heard.

When I got to my office, I plopped in my chair and opened my emails. There were a few important things for me to look through.

They finally had an official location for my new restaurant site and I was so happy. The expansion of my brand would start with Austin then I'd open a joint in New York.

I had to rep where I was from.

One email in particular grasped my attention.
Something about a cooking show wanting to film at my restaurant. Almost like a reality show. That had me up out of chair dancing around.

That was like an actual dream.

Onika Maraj was really making a name for herself.

It was a show that went from state to state and filmed one restaurant from each state. Since OTMK had large gains in ratings, they'd be coming to mine.

After signing off on some things, I took a break from office work and went down to the kitchen. Strangely enough, I rarely spent time in that kitchen, or the one at my own home.

The second I entered the kitchen, I was greeted by some of the kitchen staff. I just smiled and waved.

I walked around the room, watching over everyone. Making sure there was a lot of productivity and things like that. The food smelled so fucking good too.

I snuck a few pieces of excess food, making sure it was all good. That made me realise I needed to start cooking more often.

I cooked twice a week at most. With Mary taking care of meals, I didn't really feel the need to do so.

"What are you doing hovering over my chefs?" Harper scrunched her face.

My face mirrored hers. "Making sure they're not wearing you out. What are you doing?"

"Since you want to know so bad. Here." She playfully rolled her eyes and passed me her iPad. "I was looking for a guide on cooking something."

"Shit, it must be hard if you're looking it up." I chuckled. Harper was literally the best chef I knew.

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