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Zamora's POV
September 21

"I haven't done a duet in forever." I remarked whilst stretching with Jordyn and a couple other of our dance friends.

"We have to ask Miss Frankie for a duo together." She clasped my hands, squeezing them with eagerness. "We haven't done one since we were sophomores."

"We're too powerful together, that's why."

"The tumbling room is free." One of my friends said. "Let's go."

The five of us stood up and snuck away to the tumbling room, skipping along the mats.

I ran across hitting a backhand spring into a back tuck, getting a round of applause from the other girls.

We should've been doing anything else that wasn't this, but it was fun. We all showed off our skills to one another, exchanging techniques on how to hit certain stunts.

"We should go back."

"Mora, you're too cute." One of them said to me. "Miss Frankie will be fine. I promise."

All because I didn't like doing the wrong thing, I was considered the cute friend. It was a curse and a blessing, truly.

"Let's go back, just in case." I started walking toward the door first, but it opened before we got to it.

It was the assistant dance teacher with a scowl on her face.

"You girls know you can't be in here unsupervised." She said, pointing to the door. "Out."

Everyone filed out after me and we walked to the den, where we kept our cubbies for our dance bags.

Once the assistant teacher left, they all burst out laughing. I just shook my head, smiling a little.

"I bet you somebody snitched." One of them said.

"Tuh, if it's who I think it it-" Jordyn scoffed.

"Who?" I looked over at her.

"You know who." She rolled her eyes, putting her foot in my lap for me to tie her laces.

She acted exactly like the last born kid in her household.

As she said that, Elle came into the room and went to her cubby, not looking at anyone in the room. I started tying Jordyn's point shoes for her.

The entire room had fallen completely silent because it was clear who had told on us being in the other room.

Once I finished with Jordyn, we all went to the main dance room, where Miss Frankie sent us a look. It wasn't a scold or anything like that, she was probably only annoyed that we weren't rehearsing in the other room.

"Hurry up, girls." She said with her hands on her hips. "Zamora, can you come up and show everyone the choreo from yesterday?"

"Yeah." I murmured, quickly stretching as I walked to the centre of the room.

I was counted in and I did the dance fully, only looking at myself through the mirror. My eyes met Elle's through the mirror and I could see her whispering and pointing, which threw me off, causing me to fall out of my turns. That frustrated me because I started making little mistakes.

"Are you ok, Zamora?" Miss Frankie asked after noticing.

I ran my hands up my forehead and into my hair as I nodded. "I'm good, just went too fast. I can redo it."

"Take a second."

I walked over to my friends, sitting down as I took a sip of water.

"Mora, look." Jordyn pointed up to the gallery, where we saw little faces peeking from behind the seating. That was the mini team. "That was so us."

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