Chapter 2 First Night

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After an hour of staring at the stage Heather realized the guests slowly started to leave the park and animatronics stopped moving just staring.
Heather made her way towards the security office, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridors of Freddy Fantasy Land. As she approached the office door, she could hear the faint hum of the security equipment and the soft glow of monitors illuminating the room from within.
"Hope Mr. Rogers won't mind me getting ready early" she said looking at the clock which displayed 11:50 PM.
As she entered the office she sat down in the chair to look around it since she still had a bit of time.
The room was dimly lit, with only a desk lamp casting a focused beam of light on the cluttered metal desk. The walls were covered a bit torn in checkerboard like wallpaper, revealing faded patterns of stars and moons probably from precious one still there. Worn-out posters featuring the animatronics and advertisements for the park adorned the walls, their corners curled and edges frayed.

The desk itself was a focal point of the room, strewn with monitors displaying the various camera feeds strategically placed throughout the park. The screens emitted a soft, eerie glow, illuminating the worn paperwork and scattered cups of coffee  from Starbucks. A large fan sat on one side of the desk, its blades spinning lazily, providing some relief from the stuffiness in the room.
"It's clearly something" she said looking at the posters displaying fantasy Freddy as she called him.
Freddy was staring right at her from the poster with a smile on his face, his blue eyes were staring friendly and animatronic itself on it was standing in inviting pose.
As Heather took in the atmosphere of the security office, a sudden chill ran down her spine. She couldn't shake off the feeling that Freddy's eyes from the poster were following her every single  movement.

With a deep breath, Heather began familiarizing herself with the security equipment. She navigated the monitors, switching between camera feeds to survey the different areas of the park. The hallways, the stage, the dining area, and even the Attractions like arcades and rollercoasters were mostly by the security cameras.

After a while 12AM appeared on the clock and it was time of her shift. And as she sat down the phone rang in the office .

She picked it up and heard

"uh, hello. If you're hearing this you must be the new security guard. My name is Vincent and I was actually working there before you and was asked to record these tapes for you" Man on the other side of the phone said "I wanted to leave you some instructions to help you  through the night. As the new security guard, it's important to understand that these animatronics can act a bit... unpredictable at times. They may wander around the park during the night and head towards the office ."
Heather immediately started checking the camera's and everything was still on its place
"which wouldn't be so bad if.... Uh they saw you as a human which they don't " Vincent said on the recording "They will see you as endoskeleton without a suit and they may try to... Forcefully stuff you into one which would result in your, slow and painful death"
"Imagine putting banana inside a blender it's how it would feel for you probably -" He said trying to sound reassuring "But don't worry it's really easy to get them away from there just play music animatronics will most likely head there thinking that birthday boy is here and they need to be there"
Heather listened ito Vincent's instructions, her eyes widening in fear and a cold shiver running down her spine.

"Slow and painful death?" she muttered to herself, her voice trembling with each word. "Being forcefully stuffed into a mascot costume? This c-can't be real."

She continued to check the cameras and she saw Bonnie was gone from the stage, only his guitar left on the floor. Panic started to rise within her, and she quickly switched to the camera feed showing the arcade area. There, towering over the cabinets, stood Bonnie, his animatronic eyes fixated on the security camera.

Bonnie's, usually calm and friendly, appearence was different in the dimly lit arcade. His eyes seemed to glow with an eerie intensity, and the way he loomed over the cabinets sent a wave of chills through her spine.
Then Bonnie started walking with loud metalic footsteps and she could hear him getting closer to the security office.
Heather's heart raced as Bonnie's heavy footsteps echoed through the corridor, drawing closer to the security office. She knew she had to act quickly. Remembering Vincent's instructions, she reached for the sound system controls and frantically searched for a birthday song that would distract Bonnie and lure him away.

Her hands trembled as she found a l tune from the park's playlist and activated the speakers in the dining area. The lively music filled the room clearly catching animatronics attention.
Bonnie's animatronic head turned slightly, his gaze shifting toward the source of the sound.
She could see him slowly walking towards the dining area and next he was right there standing between the tables looking around with his dead animatronic eyes.
She watched as he scanned the surroundings, his mechanical gaze seemingly searching for the source of the music. The atmosphere grew tense as Bonnie's attention shifted from table to table, and Heather could feel his eyes lingering on the security camera, almost as if he was aware of her presence in the building.

She was trying to hold her breath, as she noticed Bonnie slowly heading back to the stage as it 5:59 am appeared on the clock. He picked up his guitar with a janky robotic movement and as 6:00 am hit the clock he was motionless as before.

As she gathered her belongings and prepared to leave the security office, Heather heard the door creak open. Startled, she turned to see a middle-aged man with a worn-out purple janitor uniform entering the room. His name tag read "Jimbo."

"Hey there," Jimbo greeted with a friendly smile. "I'm the janitor, Jimbo, Mopson Jimbo. Heard it's your first night here. How did it go kid?"

Heather hesitated for a moment, considering how much she should share.

"Well, it was... certainly an experience," she replied, trying to sound calm

Jimbo glanced at the clock on the wall and then back at Heather. "Well, it's about time for me to start my shift. You go ahead and get some rest. You're  looking like ya saw a Boogeyman. See you tomorrow, kid."
Heather just nodded and left the security office and started to head to the exit while staring cautiously at animatronics.
As she left the building she sighed with relief but she knew, that tomorrow is another day of her job. And she has to be prepared

2nd chapter! Oh boy I hope it's better than last one. I would really appreciate any advices and stuff so feel free to leave feedback. See you soon

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