Chapter 3 Research

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After getting back home and trying to sleep she was thinking "what's wrong with these robots, was there a reason why we stopped going there with parents in 80s?. What could possibly happen."
And as she asked herself last question she tried to go to the library and find some old newspapers that may explain what the hell is happening at Freddy's.
She got onto her bike and got to the library.

Heather parked her bike outside the library and stepped inside, determined to uncover the truth behind the dark history of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. She made her way to the newspaper archives section and approached the librarian at the front desk.
"Hello," Heather said with a smile. "I'm wondering if you have any old newspapers from the 1980s that mention Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."
The librarian nodded and led Heather to a section of shelves containing microfilm reels. "We have a collection of newspapers from that era. Feel free to search through them. Let me know if you need any assistance."
Heather thanked the librarian and took a seat in front of the microfilm reader. She carefully loaded the reels into it, scrolling through the archived newspapers from the 1980s in tob see if any mentions of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza may explain what's happening. After some time, she finally came across an article that caught her attention.

The headline read, "Mysterious Disappearances at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." Heather's heart raced as she began to read the details of the chilling events that had unfolded. The article described how five children had gone missing on June 20th 1985 while visiting the pizzeria with their families.
The report detailed the accounts of distraught parents who claimed to have witnessed their children following a man wearing a yellow mascot costume, resembling a rabbit, no one really paid too much attention because they thought it's just part of the show and the man in the yellow suit vanished without a trace with all 5 children.
Heather's hands trembled as she continued reading. The article mentioned a name. William Afton, co-owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He was suspected to be involved in the mysterious disappearances, but due to a lack of concrete evidence, the authorities couldn't arrest him.
As Heather dived deeper into the archives, she found another newspaper from 1991 with a headline that read, "William Afton, old Co-Owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Reported Missing." The article said he disappeared in May of 1991 under mysterious circumstances.
As Heather left the library, she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story than what she had discovered. She realized that she needed to be prepared for her upcoming night shift. If the animatronics had a potential to harm her, she couldn't afford to be caught off guard.
She tried to prepare as she got home by reading in books about the machine's.
Heather also recalled her childhood memories of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. She remembered how the animatronics used to move, their mechanical motions and imperfect movements. She tried to analyze their behaviors from her past experiences, attempting to understand their potential actions during the night.

With limited resources, Heather began taking notes and creating her own makeshift manual, writing everything what she knew about each animatronic.
She prepared herself with flashlight and her makeshift manual and left to the Freddy's Fantasy Land since it was almost 11PM.
Heather entered the building, her eyes immediately ended up on the animatronics as they stood frozen on the stage. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she made her way towards the security office.
After entering it She took a moment to gather herself and looked around the security office. The room appeared just as she had left it last night , with the worn-out posters and cluttered desk.
She then sat down in the chair and tried to gather her thoughts before 12am appears on the clock .

Wow chapter 3. Hope you all gonna somewhat enjoy it. If anyone is reading it ofc.
Sorry for the shorter one but it's all I can give today.
See you all soon


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