Chapter 6 The End

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She started looking through camera's and all animatronics already left the stage.
She saw chica was already in ventilation  so she locked it so she won't be able to enter the office. Bonnie was walking towards the office in the hallway so played the music to lure him to the party room where Freddy was already just standing. Staring into the camera and she flashed him making him back off into darkness.
As Heather looked through the cameras, her heart sank as she spotted the old yellow rabbit animatronic slowly making its way towards the security office. Its dead eyes and sinister grin sent shivers down her spine. She knew she had to act quickly to prevent it from reaching the office and potentially hurting her.

Desperately, she tried using the office lights, flashing them on and off in an attempt to distract the yellow rabbit animatronic. But  it seemed unphased, and instead of being blinded. It even mockingly waved at the camera, as if taunting her efforts.

Panicking, Heather quickly switched to the sound system controls and activated the audio cue, hoping to draw it away. But once again, it seemed unfazed by the music and continued its slow and deliberate approach.

Heather's heart pounded in her chest as she realized that her attempts to distract the yellow rabbit animatronic had failed. The figure was now dangerously close to the security office, and she knew she had to get out of there before it reached her.

She quickly stood up from her chair and tried to run towards the office door, hoping to find a way to escape. But before she could reach it, the yellow rabbit animatronic lunged at her with surprising speed, catching her off guard.

The rabbits arms wrapped around her, its grip tightening like a vice. Heather struggled and tried to break free, but the it's strength was overpowering. She felt a sharp pain in her head as the yellow rabbit struck her with a powerful blow, causing her vision to blur.

She passed out and when she woke up she was terrified.

She was in a fox costume and she saw the yellow rabbit stand in front of her

She tried to move, but her body felt heavy and unresponsive within the confines of the costume. Panic started to set in as she realized she was trapped, and the yellow rabbit was getting closer.
She realized it was not wearing it's mask as it slowly got into the lighter side of the area
And then, through the darkness, a figure emerged. It was Mr. Rogers, but his demeanor had changed drastically. His warm smile was replaced by a sinister grin, and his eyes held a malevolent gleam.

"Heather, my dear," he said in a low, menacing voice. "You were so close to uncovering our little secret, but now you'll become a part of it."

Heather's heart sank as she realized the truth. The yellow rabbit animatronic was indeed possessed, but it wasn't acting on its own. It was being controlled by none other than Mr. Rogers himself  or rather, by the man who had been hiding behind that facade all along: William Afton.

"It c-can't be" she said nervously

"Oh no but it can be dear" he said with a smile "and I will take care that you will take our little secret to the grave"

He then picked up an remote "and we will finally have entire band"

"See you tomorrow, Foxy" he said with a wide grin as she felt her body slowly getting crushed by animatronic parts in costume.
She cried out in pain as the metal squeezed against her, cutting into her skin and causing blood to trickle out.

The pain was unbearable, and Heather's vision blurred from the blood loss. She tried to fight against the costume's grip, but her strength was waning. The room around her seemed to spin as she was bleeding out.

As she slowly lost consciousness, Heather's last thoughts were of her family and friends. She wished she could tell them what had happened, to warn them about the horrors that lurked within this cursed place.

Then she Gaved her last breath before finally succumbing to her wounds.

Heather was just another missing night guard here now nothing more than a number.

Well it's the end end of Heather's story  but maybe it will continue somewhat well we'll see

- Darkdis

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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