Chapter Fourteen

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After a year and a half of being at the BAU, Amelia knew that when JJ rushed past her desk with a file in her hand, it was time to head to the conference room.

"Case," she mutters as JJ's perfume passes her.

"Hm?" Spencer looks up from opposite her and Amelia points, all eyes follow JJ.

"Case," Morgan agrees.


"Missing child in Wilmington, Delaware," JJ hands out files "11-year-old Billie Copeland was last seen on the playground at 4:30 yesterday afternoon,"

"That's...20 hours ago," Hotch checks his watch "Child abduction response plan says we get notified immediately. What happened?"

"There was reason to believe she was with her father. Her cell phone shows a call to him around the time of the disappearance,"

"So they've since ruled him out?" Gideon asks

"He called the mother about an hour ago,"

"That doesn't mean he isn't involved,"

"He's on his way to the family home, so you can talk to him there. But the local police are now considering this a stranger abduction,"

"20 hours late..." Morgan mutter as Reid starts listing off statistics

"Long-term stranger abductions of children Billie's age are rare. They represent only one per cent of all missing cases per year, but they are usually more likely to be fatal. Of the children that are abducted and murdered, 44% die within the first hour. From that point forth, their odds of survival greatly decrease. 75% are gone after 3 hours,"

"Virtually all of them are dead after 24," Amelia adds

"Which means we have just under 4 hours to find her,"

"Shall we go?"


The team scrambles out of the SUV and Spencer folds up a map "She's been missing 21 hours,"

"We're gonna go meet with the lead detective at the park where the girl was last seen," Hotch says to Gideon as he and Morgan drive away.

"We need to know everything that's being done,"

"I'll find out what the press is running, See if I know any of them. We may need to manage what they put out," JJ walks down to the press vans

"Good," Gideon points to Amelia and Spencer "You two, see what the uniforms know from the canvasses. "Elle, I need you to be a liaison with the family,"

Amelia leads Spencer back to JJ, the three walk together towards the set up of officers and press.

"Big response," JJ notes


"My friends in the press eat this up,"

"They have a lot of on-air hours to fill,"

"And they usually don't care what they fill it with," Amelia adds as JJ excuses herself and goes to talk to a journalist "Ohh, that looks flirty,"


"JJ and that guy," Amelia points to their laughing friend "Definitely history," she sings before laughing and walking towards the officers "Agent Rowe and Doctor Spencer Reid with the FBI," she introduces

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