1. The Wand

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It was not always that a letter from Hogwarts arrived in our doorstep. Especially not to Gibraltar.

It was a bright sky, if I remembered correctly, and my mother was cleaning the table after we ate breakfast. My father worked overseas as a business mogul in the wizarding world, and my mother was a popular magician back in her younger years though she opted to stay at home once her days were over to take care of me.

In Gibraltar, there weren't much wizarding families other than us around nor did we have an institute like Hogwarts to guide me and teach me magic. And since we're nothing but a British territory, the mainland doesn't care much for us, pertaining as to why I haven't been in Hogwarts at all despite my qualifications.

Hogwarts has this no overseas student policy because it isn't particularly necessary for them. It is common knowledge that almost every continent had a designated wizarding school nearby. America has Ilvermorny, Africa had Uagadou, Europe had Castelobruxo, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang, and Asia has Mahoutokoro.

It was painful to say that I did not go to any even if I was in close proximity. My family did not like the possibility of leaving me alone in unknown places unlike Hogwarts where their trusted colleagues are located in. Their attitudes were either an over exaggeration or in lieu of their protectiveness. I couldn't know which one was better.

No matter how hard it was for me to learn magic all by my own, I had to do it especially to prevent myself from becoming an obscurial. My mother has been helping me with simple magic such as accio, glacius, some curses like confringo (but only for self defence), and lumos which were useful charms but not exactly a sixteen year old would need to learn.

What I presumed was a normal day was completely changed once I looked at our mail. The letter from Hogwarts had finally slept in front of our door waiting for me. It wasn't as magical as my father told me, but beggars such as me can't possibly be choosers now.

I took the envelope inside for my mother to see, and she squealed in excitement.

"Open it up dear," she encourages. My smile exceeds my anticipation. I've waited for this for so long.

I quickly tore the envelope to reveal a piece of parchment that greeted us. I looked and smiled at my mother. Who knew that even at a late age I would still be accepted in an institution such as Hogwarts?

I carefully read the contents inside the letter.

Dear (Y/N) Langley,

It is in our great honor to inform you that you have been accepted in Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed in this letter are a list of books and equipment necessary for your studies. The term begins in September 1st; we will be expecting a response by owl no later than July 31st.


Professor Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I flipped through the countless amounts of paper behind the letter of acceptance. I also read thoroughly through it, making sure I never missed a word. My dread from months ago finally went away, and a smile was plastered on my face.

I was expected to buy my own owl, my robes and uniforms, books, and other equipment such as a cauldron, a wand, and many more to feature.

I look at my mom with eyes filled with awe. I just couldn't believe it. Me, in the stinking country of Gibraltar, finally go to Hogwarts.

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