3. The Goblet of Fire

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It didn't take long—actually it did—until we arrived at the large castle. It was beautiful, no, it's an understatement to just call it beautiful. The place was a sight to gasp at.

The Hogsmeade train station were littered with witches and wizards both small and tall. A noticeable large man sifted through the crowd looking for familiar faces which was met with a smile when the gentle giant saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Confusion contorted his face when he saw me, but the giant had an aha moment.

"Yeh must be Miss Langley," he starts. His accent was thick but understandable.

"(Y/N)'s alright," I said.

"Alright Miss (Y/N)! M'names Hagrid, nice t' meet'cha. Yeh startin' yer year with the best o' the best." The giant looked at the Trio and smiled but had gently separated me from my newly found friends.

"C'mon now, yeh mustn't miss yer sortin' ceremony."

Sorting ceremony, the words suddenly kicked me in the shins. I'd just realized that my friendship with my friends would be ruined once I'm sorted into a different house than theirs. Especially a house they despised.

Once Hagrid had led me to Hogwarts, I couldn't stop but gape my mouth. The interior of the castle was beyond exceptional. Thousands of candles floated, and moving paintings hung onto the wall talked to each person their painted eyes met. It was magical, nothing I had ever seen so majestic.

"Come now," Hagrid calls out and I follow quickly.

When the double doors open in front of me, I was greeted by green, yellow, blue, and red colors. The snake, the badger, the raven, and the lion. My father talked about these houses.

I hover my eyes to where students mostly wore green robes. The Slytherins, it was my father's house when he attended Hogwarts. A pack of cunning and prideful bunch, often called the bullies due to their exceptionally pompous attitude and how they prioritized status over anything. They were highly ambitious. It was strange how my father displayed neither traits.

I look at the platinum blonde that tormented the red robed wizards passing by. I was somewhat disgusted at the fact that he was bullying people younger than he was. I look at the red table, and I see familiar red heads.

The Gryffindors. The house of the noble and courageous. My father said they're mostly troublemakers because of their adventurous lifestyle and are often kind. But I remember my father told me once that his Slytherin friend was bullied by Gryffindors. I scan at their tables to see a familiar girl and two boys, and once they saw my gaze onto them, they gave me a reassuring thumbs up.

Next table to observe was the yellow one. It was Hufflepuff, my mother's house. Mum always told me that they were kind hearted and hard working. My mum also told me that my maternal grandfather was a famous Hufflepuff who made a book about beasts. I scanned round the table to see a handsome man. His smile was warm.

It wasn't until I saw him sit next to a blue robed girl that I frowned. It was the same Asian lady that asked for pumpkin pasties. I guess two were for him and her.

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