7. The First Test

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I woke up and the first thing I've done was to go to my desk and write a letter to my father before I could get to Charlie in the forbidden forest. I dipped my quill in black ink and started to write, words come through faster than my thoughts.

Dear Father,

I know you've told me to give you a letter the day after my arrival, but things complicated themselves. Throughout the week's we've been separated, I've been sorted in Gryffindor. I thought of it funny that I went to neither Hufflepuff or Slytherin. I've made friends from my house, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They're good to me. Before I forget, Harry and Ron asks if they could get an autograph from you.

My first week was exhausting with the triwizard tournament announced. It's fun though, and I get to meet new people from different schools. Remember how I tried to convince you to take me to Beauxbaton or pretend as a boy and go to Durmstrang? They're here now with Madame Maxine and High Master Karkaroff!

Anyways, shocking enough, I was nominated despite my age. People below seventeen aren't allowed. I didn't know how, I didn't want to. You might've seen me in the Daily Prophet with Harry, who had the same situation as I was. I hope you're not mad.

Other than that, strange things have been happening to me. Professor Moody, our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, told me that your family frequently used the Unforgivables. Mum did tell me about it, but they all hint as if I'm evil. Well, not all, just Professor Moody. Hope you could explain.

I awfully miss you and mum, it gets lonely here sometimes,


P.S. send my regards to Yippy. I miss her too.

I sealed the parchment inside an envelope and a seal, and flown Chauncey to Yippy.

I look at the time and gasp, I don't have enough time to eat before the task testing. I quickly gathered myself and ran outside the school yards.

I walk deep the forbidden forest and saw the dragons that Charlie was attending to. I went alone, of course, in avoidance to getting expulsion. Prior to this, I've learned a ton of charms such as protego , episkey , and many other offensive charms so I could be more of help as the days go by.

I slowly crept to him, clearing my throat to announce my arrival. The red head whipped his head and body towards me and stuck a hand out. By his height and hair, he was truly a Weasley.

"Charles." I took upon his hand with a swift motion. "You can call me Charlie. You look lovely; heard about you from Ron."

"News absolutely runs fast around here," I joked, earning me a smile from him.

Charlie walks closer to me and asked of me to stay close. He showed five large iron-cast box cages, all had a dragon inside breathing fire out them except for one. I was nervous, not knowing what would happen to me today.

"It's actually funny, this one." He gestures towards the dragon with his head. "Moody requested it for you."

"Why'd Professor Moody know about this?" I ask Charlie, but he gave me a shrug not knowing Moody's motive.

The Weasley led me deeper into the forest and into a beautiful clearing. The land was deeply caved in and dangerous waters surrounded a small island that protected a shining golden egg.

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