Chapter 0: An End is another start

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A formally dressed man, who could be seen carrying a bag, entered an elevator and pressed a button inside.

"Finally, the last one, huh?"-The white-haired boy mumbled to himself as he took out a radio.-"Just so you know, this is the end of the line for me once Guardian is gone."

The radio replied.-"Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking of that as well. You still have a corporation to destroy entirely. Good luck, Mitsuki."

After the radio beeped, signaling the end of the conversation, he entered an agency and carefully walked through the reception, making sure not to be detected as an outsider. He then entered an office where an important-looking man was seated.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be here; this place is restricted to higher-ups and their workers-"

Before the man could finish, a bullet hit his foot, and a cloth muffled his scream.

"Tell me what I want, or else..."-The man 'happily' revealed everything to Mitsuki, who after getting all of the important info he needed, put a bullet in the man's head.

After this encounter, Mitsuki made his way to a room filled with servers, planting an array of explosives inside. He then headed towards the basement.

"Server bomb is planted, moving to the basement."-Mitsuki informed the radio, which replied in seconds.

"Alright, you have 20 minutes before the entire place goes boom on you."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a professional, you know."-He replied with irony.

He pickpocketed a key from an unsuspecting janitor and opened a door that seemed untouched for a while. In the dusty cellar, he scoffed at the condition of the place, quickly following a blueprint he had stolen earlier to plant the last part of the armament in its designated place.

As he finished the third and penultimate explosive, an alarm suddenly rang.

"Who would have guessed that shooting a man and not hiding the corpse would lead to this."-He heard through the radio, with a hint of sarcasm. His reply with a sigh.

"Couldn't my last job be at least silent?"

"It's your fault. By the way, security was already high, so if we count the risk on a scale from 1 to 10, the answer would be..."-The radio paused for a moment.-"...15, you're fucked."

"I was ready for this."-He said as he pulled out two guns and a katana from his bag, equipping a ballistic vest and a mask.

"It's time to go."

He dashed through the basement, planting the last explosive just in time before Guardian operatives blew up the door and started swarming him with bullets. Mitsuki took cover and retaliated, causing several operatives to fall dead. He then sprinted to the office, eliminating another target. As he reached the reception, he got grazed by a bullet in his torso, which he deflected with his katana before it could do more than superficial damage. He returned fire and took down the culprit of his soon-to-be scar.

"I'm out! Where's the evac?" Mitsuki screamed into the radio.

"ETA in 4 minutes."

"You're crazy, the bombs are set to explode in 5!"

"You better jump fast to the heli then."

He took cover in a vehicle while shooting at anything in his way. An operative charged at him with a military knife, but Mitsuki blocked the attack with his gun. They engaged in a continuous barrage of hits, seeking an advantage in the fight. Mitsuki grabbed the operative's wrist, pulled him close, and aimed at their nape, delivering the final shot. Seconds later, the helicopter arrived.

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