Chapter 4: Monster

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"I got a present for you!" A blonde girl with red eyes exclamed while showing him a rectangular gift box, which was pretty large for the usual present.

"Moon, I told you I don't celebrate my birthday. You didn't have to." Mitsuki replied while looking at her. She just responded by pushing the gift to his hands forcefully, with a smile while doing so.

He had no choice but to open it, revealing a decorated katana.

"It's beautiful."

He smiled wholeheartedly before getting hugged by her. Her red eyes could see the blush on Mitsuki's cheeks.

"You told me you wanted to get into sword fighting, I just got what's best for you! Besides, now I can teach you all I know."

His smile didn't fade at all when he unsheathed the blade and admired it.

"I know it's pretty and all, but you don't look at me like you're looking at your new katana." She pouted jokingly, which made him move his hand above her head to caress it.

She gently giggled at this and cupped both of his cheeks. He looked at her before giggling with her.

This ended up on them holding each other close before she whispered something in his ear.

"I love you.~"
It had been three years after that memory, and both of them got even closer as time passed.

He was wondering why she wasn't picking up his calls, although he wasn't worried in the slightest. They both worked for a mercenary company, after all. Missions were still missions.

The beach at night was a good place to sit down and rest for a moment, and the moonlight shone brightly, getting reflected on the water.

This reminded him of her. The love of her life. It was refreshing after having been taught that those feelings were mundane and unnecessary for a mercenary. Mitsuki was one sure, but he also was a human at heart.

This train of thoughts was cut short by a call from exactly who he was thinking about.

"Hello -" He was cut short by the sounds of someone panting.

"M-Mitsuki, listen to me." Her voice contained pain and sorrow - this wasn't a good signal for him.

"W-what? Are you okay?" He asked, worried for whatever would happen next.

"They got me. I'm as good as dead." She coughed violently.

His whole world fell apart in a matter of seconds, but before he could say anything, she spoke again.

"Guardian stabbed us in the back. They want to get rid of the existence of our squadron." Her breathing was ragged, symbolizing the little time she had left. "I'll give you a phone number, it's Lucas's. He managed to survive his assassination attempt. T-The other girl is probably dead, though."

He didn't know what to say. His hands were trembling, and he was stuttering all over the place. She still kept going.

"Mitsuki..." Moon paused for a moment. "I want you to get as soon as you can out of this mess. Live a happy life, like you deserve to."

"W-wait, no, this is all fake, r-right?" He asked still in disbelief, although the answer was sadly obvious.

"...I'm sorry. I told you we would have a date tomorrow, didn't I?" She smiled faintly through the phone.

Her camera activated for a moment. She was lying on grass, four bullet holes straight through her chest. She was coughing blood while grabbing the wounds with her other hand.

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