17. Burn in Hell

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I looked at my phone to see how much time I had left. It was 14:40, meaning I had only 20 minutes left to get back to The Summoning Room before my time ran out. That was no problem, I could get there in 10. The problem was that I needed a ghoul to hold on to to get summoned back to earth, I figured that there would be a few of them in The Summoning Room, ready to get summoned back to earth. Maybe there were some in The Great Hall who were willing to help me? No, if anyone here wanted to help me they would have done that in the fight against Cobra already. There were probably more ghouls on his side here, then there were on mine. Most of the ghouls looked like they didn't care about me or Cobra anyway.

Another bigger problem I had now, was that Cobra knew that as a human, I didn't have much time left here. He would know where I am once he would be finished fighting with Rain. And this time there would be no ghouls around to defend me.

Everything was fucked.

My tears burned in my eyes as I walked through The Great Hall. In this dimension were no ghouls singing karaoke as loudly as possible. Or ghoulettes painting their nails together. Or ghouls laughing and having fun with each other. At least, not right now. Every single one of the ghouls I came across in the church as I walked further down the hallways on my way to the basement stared at me. I didn't know whether they were just confused or wanted to eat me. Or both.

''Help me, please help me!'' I cried, when I saw a ghoulette who was staring intensely at me. But instead of answering my cry for help, she just continued to stare at me. ''Why don't you help me for fuck's sake? My friends are all being attacked by this psychopath and I will die if I stay here!'' The ghoulette kept staring at me. She reminded me a little of Dewdrop when he would stare at people in the audience during rituals. ''You are a human. Humans do not belong in hell.'' The staring ghoulette had finally stopped ignoring me. ''But what about Papa?'' I asked. ''Papa is human, and he is here sometimes. Do you treat him the same way as you are treating me right now?'' The ghoulette remained silent for a second. ''Do you mean that you think you are worthy of the same amount of respect that we treat Papa Emeritus IV with? You are just a foolish, delusional human. A weakling, nothing more.'' ''But Papa is the one who send me-'' ''Quiet!'' The ghoulette hissed at me. ''Before I steal your kneecaps.'' I stayed quiet, because I'd prefer to keep my kneecaps. ''Burn in hell.'' The ghoulette said, while she walked away. From within I was burning with rage. Who did she think she was? Who did all of these ghouls think they were, treating me like that? But that rage quickly turned into worry, and sadness, as I reminded myself of the situation I was in. Every ghoul I passed didn't seem to be willing to help me. They couldn't care less about the hopelessness in my red eyes. Or my painful cries for help. No one cared.

I walked further down the halls, it was 14:45. The stone floor underneath my feet began to feel a little warmer than it did before. What if I didn't succeed in being summoned back to earth? I would never know the reasoning behind why Papa let me go to hell. I had no idea why he would think I would succeed. I never wanted to die as someone who had failed in everything. I've failed trying to catch Cobra. I've failed in keeping myself safe. I've failed in keeping my friends safe. But most important of all, I've failed in keeping my boyfriend safe. Tears started running down my cheeks faster as I imagined what Rain and the rest of the ghouls must be going through right now. In the end, it wasn't worth it. We should have just let Cobra keep Papa's stupid money. If we did that, then everything would have been fine now. I could be singing karaoke with Roy and Dew. I could be walking through the woods with Swiss while he tells me about how he used to make furniture. I could be baking cookies in the kitchen with Nali and Mountain. I could be feeling Rain's soft lips on mine as we laid down, safe, in his room. But instead I was walking through hell while being chased by a psychopath.

The soles of my feet felt like they were burning, it was 14:51. When I arrived, I saw that the Summoning room was completely empty, there were no ghouls waiting to be summoned. What if no one was coming. No, I was 9 minutes early. There had to be at least 1 kind ghoul who would want to help me.

It was 14:57, still no ghouls. I was on my knees on the burning hot ground, praying to Satan that there would be a ghoul. Not just a nice one, just any ghoul I could grab onto while they were being summoned. Maybe I could run to them and if I was strong enough, they wouldn't be able to push me off of them. No, the ghouls here were way too strong for me. Maybe I was a fool for trying to believe that there was still hope for me.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming my way. Maybe Satan had answered my prayer. But it also could be Cobra. There were 3 things that could happen, the first one being that someone was just walking past The Summoning room and I would be lonely here for the rest of my life. In that case, the loneliness at least won't last very long, as I'd be burned to ashes when the spell finally stops working. The second possibility was that Cobra was coming my way. In that case, I'd rather burn to death than be torn to pieces by him. The last possibility was the one I had prayed for.

I closed my eyes when I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer to me, too scared to find out which of the 3 possibilities would happen. I finally dared to look up when I heard the footsteps stop to stand still right in front of me. My eyes met with those of a familiar ghoul.

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