VI. Preperations

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Soon enough morning came and the time went by fast...

5:00 AM

6:00 AM

7:00 AM

9:00 AM

"Ugh! Where is he? Shouldn't he be here already?" Shinobu facepalmed and walked to Itto's place and knocked on the door, "Oh, Shinobu welcome, Itto's still sleeping so maybe now isn't a proper time." Granny Oni welcomed Shinobu at the door, "I figured, do you mind if I wake him up? Our appointed time to meet was two hours ago." Granny Oni looked shocked but let her in. Shinobu knocked on Itto's door, "Aye, it's been two whole hours! Come on wake up!" 

Itto groaned in annoyance, he had a feeling he had overslept but didn't feel like getting up, that was atleast twenty minutes ago,  "Tying my boots Shino give me a little bit!" Itto called out from inside his room, Shinobu blushed a bit, he never called her nicknames like that let alone nicknames at all. 

Soon enough the left to go to Naganohara Tailors to pick up the clothing they ordered the night before. "About time, let me guess someone overslept?" Yoimiya looked at the door entrance, smiling at Itto and Shinobu, "Yeah, this idiot next to me." Shinobu rolled her eyes while Yoimiya chuckled, "Anyway here you go," Yoimya gave them the clothing she and her assistant tailored last night, "Thank you, we'll have to pay you when we can." Itto said, he really wanted the opportunity to pay someone back, "Thank you, it's really hard for my assistant's mother to get these supplies on time, let alone find the proper fabrics and lace." She smiled at the two, "I give my thanks to you, I wish you two a grand time at the ball tonight." 

Everyone in the palace was in a panic, everyone decorating the ballroom last minute, planning couldn't happen since it was so last minute, "Please let me help you Ms. Yae it wouldn't hurt to take a break!" Sara said, a young pink haired woman with purple eyes turned around, "I wouldn't want to upset the king, just leave this to me." Yae sighed and went back to work and Sara turned around wondering what she was going to wear that night, "Oh, Ms. Kirara" Sara walked up to the delivery girl from Komaniya Express, "O-oh! Your Highness, pardon me" Kirara quickly curtsied in front of the woman in front of her, "Do you need anything, I shall give you assistance and the finest of materials for your troubles...pardon if that came off a bit strange.." Kirara blushed a bit from embarrassment, "Do you know what is an extraordinary thing to wear tonight or?" Sara asked calmly, "Oh, I'm pretty sure Naganohara Tailors will have something. Sara smiled then took her leave, just as she left Heizou appeared in front of Kirara out of breath, "Morning, Ki..ra..ra...ugh," he groaned, he woke up due to the noise in the ballroom with all the commanding, decorating, and talking. "I hate today, but do you know where Her Highness is? The King called for her, and he needs to speak about an 'important' matter with the both of us." He said out of breath, he had ran all over the palace looking for Kirara or one of the servants he was familiar with, "She left." Kirara simply replied, Heizou looked shocked, like the 'oh my gosh why did that happen I actually hate this moment now' shocked. "Where did she go?" Heizou asked sounding done with his job and dissapointed he didn't go to bed earlier. "Well, Her Majesty did want to know where she could get a gown for tonight so-" Heizou cut her off, "Naganohara Tailors! Thanks, I'll get her a gown so she doesn't spend too much money." He ran out of the palace to try and catch up with Sara

"Good afternoon Yoimiya," Heizou said he had just gotten to Naganohara Tailors wondering if Sara had already came in, "Oh, Sir Shikanoin, it's a pleasant surprise you're here." Yoimiya said as she walked to the front counter, "Did Her Majesty come here yet?" Heizou said hoping she would say no, he did run all the way down the outdoor stairs from the palace all the way to the village to the tailoring shop, "Oh, why? Was she supposed to pick something up and then she sent you here instead because something came up?" Yoimiya asked out of curiousity, "She didn't come here? Ok, so I need a gown for her. It's an early birthday gift for her, leave the money on me." Heizou said, "I mean I have leftover materials from the last gown me and my assistant made. So I guess we can make something quick, it won't be the best but it shall be our quickest work." Yoimiya smiled then Heizou put down an '1000 dollar bill' "Keep the money, you deserve it" Yoimiya confidently nodded and Heizou left. "Zu! We have another request let's get to work!"

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