Chapter 4

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Location: Wayne Manor / Time: 11:30 am

It wasn't long for the rest of the family to wake up. Alfred prepared a pre-made breakfast before heading out to do some errands. While the brothers got dressed, they almost forgot about Jason's clothes situation.

"Damian bring me one of your shirts." Demanded Bruce.

"Why?" Asked Damian looking confused.

"For Jason." Bruce answered as he poured a shot of sugar in his coffee.

"Fine." Damian did what he was told, but he despised Todd, even more now as a kid.

Tim decided to play a game with Jason because he noticed his little brother looking sadly at the ground. "Hey Jason, who do you think is better, Batman or Superman?"

Jason looked up at Tim. "Batman." Jason beamed, "Superman cheats with his powers. Batman uses cool ninja moves and tools." Jason tried to say the word gadget, but he was still only a three year old boy.

Bruce only smirked before sipping his coffee.

A Bat Brother Deaged (Complete/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now