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chapter nine || double movie date.
calum's pov:

She added the black liquid eye liner her eye as she sat on the floor near her mirror.

"Why are we doing this again?" She asked and I shrugged.

"To make sure Luke doesn't do anything stupid," I smiled.

'But why do I have to go?"she complained and I sighed.

"I don't know," I say standing up and walking towards her.

She placed her hands on my shoulders pouting, "You're jealous Luke is spending his time with someone else."

"Shut up," I teased, rolling my dark eyes. She removed her hands and quickly grabbed her purse, and iPhone.


We walked in the dark room, walking past tables of people as they stood in line for food.

"Where are they?" Laila asked and I pointed to the table they were sitting, we walked over to them, greeting Luke and Natalie.

"What are you guys doing here?" She said smiling. I could tell Luke was pissed, but he just went along with it.

"I invited them, last minute. Sorry babe," Luke smiled, wrapping his arms around her small shoulders.

"So how long has this been going on?" I asked pointing between her and Luke.

"About a month, month and a half. Best month of my life," Luke said, smiling at her.

"Cheesy bastard," She replied kissing his lips.

A bastard he was. What kind of best friend doesn't tell them when they start dating someone? That pissed me right off.

"And you didn't tell me?" I snapped, but they were too busy kissing to answer me.

Laila looked up towards me to see my face scrunched up in disgust.

"Leave them alone. They're in love," she whispered, chuckling softly.

I didn't bother answering. They all began talking and I just played on my phone. I should have just went home. I was stupid for coming here and I knew Luke was pissed off.

We all got up and Luke bought me a bag of sour patch kids. Laila wanted some but it was too late so I had to share with her.

Once we got into the theatre Luke and Natalie sat two seats away from us. Laila was right beside me. She was staring directly at me. She rolled her shoulders back so her shirt tightened around her chest.

"They are so cute together," She smiled, taking a few of my sour patch kids.

"They are so weird," I shrugged. She leaned over on me, so that her head was on my shoulder.

She laughed, "You're cute when you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous," I defended myself.

She told me to stop talking because the movie was about to start. So I did.

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