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"This man's cock would send me to heaven"

That was the last thought she had as Zion killed her pussy on their Anniversary two months ago and now here Wynter Amani stood in her small bathroom, the morning light streaming in through the window and casting a warm glow on her dark skin as she waited for the results of her recently bought pregnancy test. That day had definitely put her in this situation, she thought as she prepared herself for the results. Her hands trembled as she held the pregnancy test, but the two pink lines were clear as day. She was pregnant – with Zion's baby.

"Oh, Zi..." Wynter whispered to herself, her deep brown eyes wide and filled with excitement. The thought of raising a family with him made her heart swell with happiness. She imagined their child, with his hazel eyes and her curly black hair, laughing and playing in the park.

Wynter smiled and let out a deep breath, her heart feeling light despite the gravity of the situation. She knew that she had to tell Zion and that he would be just as ecstatic as she was. She just hoped he would be ready to take on the challenge of fatherhood.

As Wynter stepped into the living room, lost in her thoughts, she caught sight of Elina Callum, Zion's mother, sitting on her couch. Elina's graying brown hair hung limply around her face, and her empty hazel eyes seemed to bore right through Wynter.

"Oh Shit, you scared me! Elina, what are you doing here?" Wynter asked, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to hide the pregnancy test behind her back.

"I'm here for some money child" she croaked, her voice cracking from the years of drug use.

Wynter shifted her weight uncomfortably, her mind racing. She decided to play dumb.

"Money? Why do you need money?" Wynter asked, her brow furrowed.

Elina kissed her teeth "You know why girl, i don't have time to play games with you"

Wynter sighed and took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "I don't have any money to give you, Elina," she said, her voice firm.

Elina gave her a blank stare for a moment and then got up from the chair and made her way slowly toward her. Wynter's grip straightens as she tensed preparing for Elina's usual course of action, she wanted to protect her stomach. Afraid that Elina would catch on.

'Standing face to face with her, Elina stared into her eyes and then spoke "You thought you could hide it from me huh"

Wynter's breath caught in her throat. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

You think I did see the lil pregnancy test you tried to hide when you came in her Wynter" her face curled with disdain " I ain't a stupid girl"

"you carrying my son's baby girl" Elina demanded, her thin-lipped smile not reaching her eyes.

Wynter hesitated before reluctantly nodding. "Yes, I just found out."

Elina smacked her lips as if she tasted something disgusting. "I know that you and Zion have been together for a while now, and I know that you think you love him," she said. "But if you fixing yourself to think he will be a good father, you're wrong. He's never taken responsibility for anything in his life, and he's not going to start now."

Wynter bristled at her words " he's been taking care of you his whole life hasn't he"

Elina's eyes flared at her insinuation "Watch yo fucking mouth girl"

Wynter stood her ground and glared at Elina. "I'm not going to let you stand here and talk down on him, Elina. He loves you, and he's been taking care of you for years. He will be a great father to our baby."

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