Chapter 6

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"Another amazing meal, Wyn," Zion said, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

Wynter internally groaned at the sound of his nickname coming out of his mouth. They had had sex over 3 weeks ago(march) and Wynter practically avoided him if it had nothing to do with Neece. She'd even stopped coming to the last two dinners until Neece came to her with tears in her eyes asking Wnyter if she had done something wrong. It was at that moment she knew she couldn't avoid Zion because Zion had Neece and Neece had her whole heart.

"Thanks, Zion. I'm glad you enjoyed it," she said, forcing a smile

"The food was awesome Ms. Wynter" Neece chimed in smiling brightly at her.

When she had woken up the day and Wynter practically kicked him out of her home. Yes, it was most definitely a cowardly thing to do, but Wynter just couldn't bring herself to deal with the emotions that came with sleeping with Zion. Again.

She had always been good at compartmentalizing things, but this was different. She's convinced herself that, it was just sex and that it didn't have to be anything else.

But now, sitting across from him at the dinner table, how did she ever think she would be able to not feel the pull of him?

As they finished their meal, Wynter began to gather the plates. She could feel Zion's eyes on her and it made her feel uneasy. So she decided to address something else.

"Neece, I can't believe you'll be ten tomorrow!" Wynter exclaimed while she cleaned up, genuinely excited for the girl's milestone.

Neece grinned widely at Wynter's excitement, her eyes lighting up at the mention of her upcoming birthday. "I know, right? I can't wait to be double digits!" she exclaimed, bouncing in her seat.

Zion chuckled at Neece's excitement, but Wynter couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lingered on her as she moved around the kitchen. She tried to shake off the feeling, but it was impossible to ignore the chemistry between them.

"It's shame you can't make it out with us tomorrow," Zion stated.

I have a few things to take care of tomorrow, but I'll come by later to celebrate with Neece," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

Zion stared at he, his glare o intesne it caused her to look down.

"I'll make sure to save some cake for you," Neece said, breaking the tension in the room. She giggled and continued to talk excitedly about her birthday plans with input from Wynter and Zion from time to time.

Wynter breathed a small sigh of relief, grateful for Neece's interruption. She knew that she needed to keep her feelings in check, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing day. She should've known her pussy would get her into trouble. How did she think she wouldn't fall for him again.

As the night drew near completion, Wynter stopped at the door before leaving.

Zion could feel his heart beating faster as he watched her hesitate. He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms, but he knew it wouldn't be appropriate.

"Goodnight, Neece," Wynter said, as she wrapped her arms around the young girl, holding her tightly. " i hope you have the most wonderful day tomorrow."

Goodnight Ms. Wynter" Neece said softly, her body leaning ever so slight into Wynter's as sleep threatened to overtake her. They had had a small party as Wynter couldn't make tomorrow's events and Neece had been up past her bedtime.

Wynter pulled away from Neece's embrace and turned to face Zion. She could feel his gaze burning into her, and she could sense the tension between them rising again.

"Goodnight, Zion," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Lemme walk you to your car ," Zion replied, his voice equally quiet.

Wynter stepped outside and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart as she walked to her car, she could feel him right behind her. She had to get a hold of herself before things got out of hand.

Look Zion, the other day-" Wynter began but Zion cut her off

"You running away again Mama" he said as he encased her by her car, towering over her.

What i tell you bout that" he said leaning down to whisper into her ears.

I'm not running away." Wynter replied, her voice cracking slightly.

Zion took her face into his hands and kissed her, his tongue pushing past her lips, and exploring her mouth.

Wynter moaned at the feeling of his lips and tongue, but a sudden noice caused her to snap out of the trance he seemed to always put her in.

She pushed on his chest. "See you tomorrow" she said as she retrieved her keys from her purse, and got into her car.

Lord have mercy on her soul.


The following day, Neece's birthday arrived, and Zion had planned a special celebratory outing for her. He had kept it a secret, wanting to surprise her with an unforgettable experience. It was a trip to an amusement park that Neece had been begging to go to for months.

"Come on, Neece! We have a big day ahead of us," Zion said, helping her put on her coat.

"Where are we going?" Neece asked, her bright hazel eyes filled with anticipation.

"You'll see soon enough," Zion replied, ruffling her hair affectionately.

As they drove to the park, Neece was bubbling with excitement, chattering away about all the rides she wanted to go on. Zion smiled indulgently, happy to see her so happy.

The closer they got, Neece practically vibrated in her seat with excitement.

When they arrived, Neece's eyes widened in amazement at the towering roller coasters and colorful attractions. She could hardly contain her excitement as she bounced up and down on the balls of her feet.

"Wow, Zion! This is amazing!" Neece exclaimed, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace.

Zion smiled down at her, feeling a sense of pride in being able to give her such a special day.

"Let's go have some fun!" he said, taking her hand and leading her towards the entrance.

As they made their way through the park, Neece's laughter echoed through the air as she went on rides and played carnival games. Zion couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as he watched her enjoy herself so much. It was a reminder that she was growing up quickly, and soon she wouldn't need him as much anymore.

As the day wore on, Neece grew tired and began to lean heavily on Zion for support. He could feel the weight of her small body against his side and he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards her.

"Read to go home now" he asked.

She nodded, smiling up at him. "I'm having the best birthday ever, Zion. Thank you so much for bringing me here."

Zion's heart swelled with warmth at her words. He was glad that he could give her such a special day.

"I love you Zi," Neece murmured, her voice barely audible over the sound of the engine. "You always make my birthdays special."

Zion glanced at her, his heart swelling with affection. "Anything for you, kiddo."

As they drove, Neece filled the air with her chatter – talking about school, her friends, and the latest book she'd read. Zion listened intently, offering his thoughts and opinions whenever necessary. He couldn't help but marvel at how much his little sister had grown over the past year, both in size and spirit.

Just as Neece was regaling Zion with a particularly funny story about her best friend, a blur of movement caught Zion's peripheral vision. A car, swerving erratically in their lane, barreled toward them at full speed.

"Zion, watch out!" Neece screamed, her voice shrills with terror.

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