Chapter 8

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Wynter Amani's heart raced as she sprinted down the sterile white hallway, her breath ragged and her mind filled with worry. The hospital walls seemed to close in on her, making her feel suffocated by the stinging scent of antiseptic. She skidded to a halt outside Room 307, her dark brown eyes scanning the room for Zion.

"Zion!" Wynter called out as she spotted him hunched over in a chair, his face buried in his hands. The sight of him so distraught tore at her heart; she had never seen him this way before. Zion looked up, his eyes red-rimmed and filled with pain as he struggled to keep his composure.

"Zion," Wynter whispered again, her warm smile temporarily absent as she knelt before him and gently placed a hand on his knee. "I'm here."

He lifted his head, tears streaming down his face, and met her gaze. "Wyn" he whispered.

Wynter felt her heart break at the sight of this strong man brought to his knees by fear, concern and guilt. Her own eyes filled with tears as she wrapped her arms around him, offering comfort in their shared pain.


4 months had passed since that fateful day, and the seasons had changed, leaving behind memories of sorrow and loss. Zion stood by Neece's bedside, carefully rotating her arms and legs as part of her daily physical therapy routine. The hospital room had become all too familiar, the steady beep of the heart monitor a constant reminder of Neece's fragile state.

"Hey kiddo," he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion as he thought of the summer vaction he now had to spend without his sister. It was her favorite time of the year. He longed to see her bright hazel eyes light up and hear her laughter fill the room, but all that remained was silence.

As he continued the repetitive motions, anger bubbled inside him, simmering just beneath the surface. He couldn't help but blame himself for Neece's accident, his thoughts consumed by "what if" scenarios that haunted him day and night. If only he had taken a different route or left earlier, maybe she would still be here, sharing her joy with everyone she met.

But despite his turmoil, Zion persevered. For Neece's sake, he refused to give up hope that one day she would awaken and return to the vibrant, curious girl she once was. And until that day came, he vowed to be there for her, providing the care and love she so desperately needed.


Wynter had seen these hospital walls more times than she's like since the accident. Each time, the sterile environment seemed to suffocate her, but she knew she had to be strong for Zion and Neece. She watched Zion as he tended to Neece, his hands gentle yet firm as he worked through her physical therapy routine. The budding tension between them and any potential relationship had been put on hold, but she knew that they needed each other now more than ever.

Taking a deep breath, Wynter steeled herself before entering Neece's hospital room. "Hey, Zion," she greeted softly, her warm brown eyes filled with understanding and compassion. "How is she today?"

"Same as always," he replied curtly, though there was no bite in his words. It was clear that he appreciated Wynter's unwavering support, even if he didn't say it out loud.

She moved closer and watched as he continued Neece's physical therapy. Gently squeezing her hand, Wynter offered him encouragement. "You're doing an amazing job, Zion. I know it's not easy, but you're giving her the best chance possible."

His shoulders slumped as a small, sad smile crossed his lips. "Thanks, Wynter. I just wish...I wish I could do more."

"Hey," she said, placing a hand on his arm, "don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing everything you can, and she knows how much you love her." She paused, then added, "And so do I."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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