Chapter 2

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3 months before

Zion Callum stood at the kitchen counter, meticulously packing his little sister Neece's lunch for the day. Zion stood tall and broad, with a kind face and warm brown eyes. His locs swished slightly behind as he packed the lunch, and he smiles gently when he looks at her. At twenty-nine years old, Zion had been taking care of eight-year-old Neece for the past five years, ever since their mother had left them to follow her drug dealer boyfriend.

His dark skin, locs that stopped at his shoulders, and warm hazel eyes were a comforting presence in Neece's life, and he was fiercely determined to protect her.

"Zi, I don't like Mariah," Neece pouted, her tight curls bouncing as she shook her head. Her hazel eyes, so similar to her brother's, shimmered with unshed tears.

"Come on, Neece. Mariah is cool. You've known her for a long time," Zion replied, patting his sister's head gently. He knew that Neece was still adjusting to the changes in their lives, and he wanted her to feel comfortable with the people he brought into their home.

"I know, but she always looks at me weird," Neece muttered, poking at her sandwich.

"I know, Neece," Zion said smothering his laughter. "But I have to be at work early today, and Mariah is the only one who can take you to school."

Zion had recently landed a job as an I.T. director, which allowed him to move Neece to a better school with a safer environment. He knew it was best for her, but it also meant adjusting to new routines and people.

"Promise me you'll pick me up?" Neece asked, tugging on the hem of Zion's shirt.

"Of course, sweetheart," Zion promised, kneeling down to look her in the eyes. "Now let's get you ready for school."

As he helped Neece into her uniform, he couldn't help but notice how much she'd grown. She was becoming more independent each day, and he was proud of her resilience.

Once she was dressed, Zion brushed her hair gently, tying it back with a ribbon.

"Have a good day at school, Neece," he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead before handing her off to Mariah, who waited by the door. Neece hesitated, glancing back at Zion with a pleading look.

"Go on, Neece. I'll see you this afternoon," he reassured her, giving her an encouraging nod. With a deep breath, Neece took Mariah's hand, and they left for school.

Zion watched them disappear around the corner before sighing and turning back inside. He couldn't shake the guilt of not being able to take Neece to school himself, but he knew that his new job was providing a better life for them both. As he locked the door and headed to work, he made a silent promise to himself that he would do everything in his power to ensure Neece's happiness and well-being.

The door burst open as Neece rushed inside, her tight curls bouncing with excitement. "Zion! Zion! Guess what?" she exclaimed, her hazel eyes sparkling.

Zion looked in the back seat at Neece as she clipped her car seat belt, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of his sister's enthusiasm. "What's up lil mama, had a great day"

"Today, I met my new teacher! She has the prettiest hair and she's so nice and smart!" Neece gushed, her words tumbling out in a rush as she bounced excitedly in her seat.

"Really? That sounds wonderful," Zion replied, warmth filling his chest at her happiness. "Did you have a good day at school?"

"Uh-huh! The kids were really nice, and one girl even shared her toy with me" Neece nodded vigorously. " but My teacher even said she liked how my hair was done. You did a great job, Zion!"

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