Chapter 1

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Wynter looked up at the colorful posters that coated her walls. She was proud of herself for being able to put these up in time.

She made a deep breath. the students would be here soon, and she needed to be ready for them. She walked over to her desk and checked that everything was in order. Her laptop was fully charged, the lesson plans were printed out and arranged neatly on her desk, and the class roster was up to date.

Wynter heard the sound of students chattering and laughing in the lined up in the corridors ready to enter the classrooms.

this year she would be teaching Grade 4, and she was excited to see their little faces light up with wonder and curiosity. As the bell rang, Wynter took one last deep breath and opened the door to welcome her new students.

The room was filled with the energy of young children, their eyes wide with anticipation and excitement.

Wynter smiled and greeted each one. She loved her job; it filled the void that seem to have left her after Zion left those years ago. He had truly left her broken and hopeless. His mother had gone on to call her, gloating about how she made the right choice to break them apart.

But Wynter didn't let that stop her. She poured all her love and passion into her work, her students becoming her world. She had even started dating again, but no one ever came close to making her feel the way Zion had.

It why after she was done sulking and feeling sorry for herself, she had decided to change her major to teaching.

Wynter had always been nurturing and patient, and teaching young children allowed her to channel those qualities in a productive way.

"Knock Knock, how are thinks coming along" her fellow teacher, Emilia Grace, said sticking her head through the door of Wynter's classroom.

Wynter turned around and smiled at Emilia. "Everything is ready, just waiting for the kids to settle down," she replied.

Emilia stepped into the classroom and looked around. "I love what you've done with the place. The posters are so colorful and fun," she said, admiring the decorations on the walls.

"Thanks, I spent all weekend putting them up," Wynter replied with a laugh. "I just want the kids to feel excited about learning."

Emilia nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. It's so important to make learning fun and engaging for them."

So, you have any plans for later"

Wynter held back the exasperated sigh that threatened to be released at Emilia's question.

She knew that Emilia always had an ulterior motive when it came to asking about her plans. Wynter had been on a few dates with Emilia's brother, but it never went anywhere. She didn't want to hurt Emilia's feelings, but she just wasn't interested in her brother that way.

"Not really, just going to go home and relax," Wynter said, trying to keep her tone neutral.

Emilia raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I heard that there's this new bar that just opened up downtown. We could go check it out."

Wynter forced a polite smile. "Thanks, but I think I'll pass."

As Emilia made her way out of the classroom, Wynter couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

As the children filter in Wynter couldn't help but notice little girl with the biggest grin on her face that reminded her so much of him. She wouldn't subject herself to staring at a child though, so she completely disregarded it.

She watched as they settled into their seats, eagerly waiting for her to start the lesson.

"Good morning, class," Wynter said, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. "I'm Ms. Winter, and I'll be your teacher for the year."

The children greeted her back with a chorus of "Good morning, Ms. Winter!" Their excitement was palpable, and it filled Wynter with joy.

As the day went on, Wynter found herself lost in the excitement of teaching. She watched as the children absorbed everything that she taught them, their little faces lighting up with understanding. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over her.

Lunch time came around and a little girl by the name of Neece came to her. the same little girl that had piqued her interest earlier.

"Ms. Winter, can I talk to you?" Neece asked, her eyes big and curious.

"Of course, Neece. What do you want to talk about?" Wynter said, kneeling down to Neece's level.

How do you get your hair like that." Neece questioned. Wynter looked at Neece's hair that was similar in texture to hers, the 4c textured hair was in a sleek puff.

"Your hair looks so curly, i want mines like that too" Neece said innocently.

Wynter smiled at Neece's question. "Well, Neece, I use a lot of conditioner, my fingers and a lot of gel."

Can my hair do that too" she questioned.

Wynter smiled broadly at the question" of course. But not right now, your parents but your hair in such a beautiful puff, I would hate to ruin it."

Neece smiled but shock her head at the statement "not my parent, my big brother"

"Your big brother? That's wonderful, Neece. He must be very good at doing hair," Wynter replied.

Neece nodded eagerly. "Yes, he's the best. He does my hair every morning before school."

"That's wonderful, Neece. Your brother sounds like a great caregiver," Wynter said, smiling.

"He is," Neece said, beaming with pride. "He makes the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches too!"

Wynter chuckled. "Well, he sounds like a keeper."

Neece giggled at Wynter's remark, and the two of them shared a moment of warmth and joy.

As lunchtime came to an end, Wynter watched the children file back into the classroom, their little minds filled with knowledge. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to shape their futures in such a profound way.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, and before she knew it, it was time for the children to go home. Wynter said goodbye to each one of them, wishing them a good evening and reminding them to do their homework.

As the last child left, Wynter sat down at her desk and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a long day, but one that had been filled with so much joy and purpose. She couldn't wait for tomorrow, to see what new wonders her students would bring.

Wynter gathered her belongings and headed out of the classroom. As she walked down the hallway, she couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. Her heart was filled with love and passion for her students, and it was as if everything else in the world had faded away.

Time flew by and by now it was the third month of school.

Wynter had settled into her role as a teacher, and she was loving every moment of it. She had formed a special bond with all of her students, but there was one in particular who had captured her heart.

Neece had come to her almost every day, asking about her hair and sharing stories about her big brother. Wynter couldn't help but feel drawn to the little girl's infectious energy and curious nature. She began asking for Wynter's help with her hair saying she got permission from her big brother to do it. It had become their little ritual, and Wynter looked forward to it every day. Neece had even started bringing her own hair products to school, eager to learn the styles to show her brother.

Ms. Winter" Neece said racing down the hall to her, " my brother will be here tonight" Neece paused to catch her breath " At the PCA"

Wynter smiled "PTA my dear" correcting her "and that's fantastic."

Neece's eyes lit up. "Yes, that's what I meant. He's coming to see how well I'm doing in school."

Wynter smiled, feeling a sense of pride for Neece. "I'm sure he'll be very proud of you, Neece. You're doing such a great job in class."

Neece beamed with happiness, and Wynter couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be a part of her life.

The day went by quickly, and before she knew it, it was time for the PTA meeting. Wynter made sure her classroom was spotless and organized, eager to make a good impression on the incoming parents. 

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