The Night We Met

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Lizzie was sitting on her couch watching interviews of Y/N Turner, her favourite singer songwriter. 

She chuckled as he made a joke about how everyone says he sounds like Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. 

A knock on her door distracted her from her video so she paused it before standing up and walking to her front door.

She opened the door to see her best friend Scarlett standing with a big smile on her face. She waved two tickets in Lizzie's face.

"What are those?"

She took them from Scarlett who walked into her home, making herself at home. 

"Two tickets to Y/N Turner's concert tonight."

"How?! They sold out months ago?!"

Scarlett laughed as Lizzie walked over to her, sitting beside her friend as she continued to examine the tickets.

"Robert is friends with him. He asked him if he could get us tickets and he said sure."


She stood up and ran to her bedroom, followed closely by Scarlett who was hiding a smile at her friend's excitement.

"Probably clothes."

Lizzie turned around with her hands up before pretending to strangle Scarlett. She started to look through her clothes for hours.

Scarlett walked back into the room, after returning home to shower and get changed herself. Lizzie held up another dress.

"What about this one?"

Scarlett shook her head before picking out an outfit. 

"This one."

"But that's plain. He won't notice me," Lizzie whined. 

Scarlett smirked as Lizzie took the clothes walking towards her ensuite bathroom.

"I'm sure he will when we meet him backstage."

Lizzie's head snapped in Scarlett's direction with wide eyes.

"Did you just say backstage?"

Scarlett nodded with a smile.

"Don't play with me Scarlett!"

"I'm not!"


Lizzie excitedly jumped up and down before walking into the bathroom to shower. Once they were both ready, they got in the car driving to the concert venue.

The two women were up close to the stage as the tune to Y/N's song 'Humble and Kind' played. He walked out with a guitar and started to sing.

People turned on their lights, swaying to his majestic voice. Lizzie looked up at him with heart eyes as he looked over the whole crowd as he sang. 

"I can't believe we're seeing him! He's even hotter in person."

Scarlett smiled at Lizzie's excitement. She was happy that she cashed in her favour with Robert, even if it was more for Lizzie's benefit than her own, it was worth it to see her friend so happy. 

The song played out and Y/N waved to crowd taking a drink of his water before smiling brightly as he put the bottle down.

"How's everyone doing tonight?!"

Everyone started screaming.

"Yeah I feel very ahhh too."

People started laughing as 'One Night' begun to play.

"This song is about my ex girlfriend who cheated on me. Fuck you Khloé Kardashian."

The song ended and he went into his song 'Listen To You Heart', jumping around as the crowd did the same.

"I can find you in a crowd."

His eyes met Lizzie's as he smiled softly, his eyes lightening up.

"I think it's time we ran away."

He lay on his stomach so he could reach for her hand as he kept singing to her. In that moment for the both of them, no one else existed just them, together.

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