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T.K.'s Pov:

Which caused her to get thrown out of her seat and that is why she is no longer in her seat and she is in the middle of the aisle now.

As I am seeing this lady who happens to be the bus driver.

I quickly check on her to make sure she is okay and make sure she isn't hurt or even injured.

T.K.: "Ma'am can you hear me?"

Once I say this she moves and opens her eyes.

Which means she is okay but as a paramedic I still have to do my job and check on her.

T.K.: "Ma'am are you okay?"

Lady Bus Driver: "Yeah..I think..what happened?"

T.K.: "You was in a bus crash ma'am I am a paramedic I am going to try my best to help you and get you out of here."

After I say this I check on her to make sure she isn't hurt or has any injuries.

After I check her she seems to be fine and doesn't seem to have any serious injuries.

But as I am thinking that everything is going good and we can find a way to get her out of here.

There is suddenly water in the bus and it is quickly flooding the bus.

While this is happening she is now laying in water and it continues to fill the bus.

As the water continues to basically flood the bus I quickly think and I help her the best way that I can.

But as I am trying my best to help her she suddenly points at me and says something to me.

Lady Bus Driver: "Oh honey you're bleeding.."

After she says this I look down to where she is pointing and I have blood all over my shirt.

Which means my wound from where I got shot is either open or is just bleeding really bad.

Because I am over working myself when I am not suppose to be doing this kind of stuff right now.

I am suppose to be resting and letting this wound heal.

But with this wind/sand storm that randomly happened and this women in this bus crash from the wind/sand storm I have to do my job in order to save her life.

While my mind continues to race with all kinds of things and I try my best to get her out of here she suddenly says something to me.

Lady Bus Driver: "Honey you need to let me go and get yourself some help I will be fine."

T.K.: "Noo ma'am..I have to get you out of here I will be fine."

As more minutes continue to pass by the more this bus continues to fill with water.

The more it continues to fill with water the harder it is to try and save her.

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