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Carlos Pov:

T.K. is still in the bus trying to help this women and as I continue to stand here the more I find myself getting worried for him.

Because I know this is his job and I know this is something he has so much passion for and loves to do.

But he is only one person he can only do so much to help someone in this situation.

As all of this is going through my mind I want to help him and get him out of there.

But I don't know what to do because I am not a paramedic.

This isn't what I do so I have no idea what I am doing if I go in there and get him.

But then again I can't just stand here and do nothing.

While my husband who is my everything and the love of my life is in there possibly hurt or even injured and in need of help.

Because he is so worried about helping this women and saving her.

As this is going through my mind I am looking in the door window to see if I can see him.

But there is so much water and the bus is so damaged it is hard to see anything.

While I am checking to see what is going on and all kinds of things are going through my mind.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear a fire truck and ambulance.

Which means it is probably the 126 fire department along with their paramedics.

Which is the same paramedics that my husband works with.

As I continue to hear the fire truck sirens and the ambulance sirens.

I quickly put my attention on my surroundings but I am staying close to the bus to keep an eye on my husband.

While I am doing this I see T.K.'s dad Owen who is the fire captain of station 126.

As my attention is on my surroundings and I see T.K.'s dad.

It doesn't take long for him to walk over to me and say something to me.

Owen (T.K.'s Dad): "Carlos what are you doing here I thought you was off today?"

Carlos: "I am.."

Owen (T.K.'s Dad): "Then why are you here? Shouldn't you be with my son or enjoying your day off?"

Carlos: "That's the thing I was with T.K. I was having lunch with him and this wind/sand storm came out of no where and.."

As I am trying to tell Owen what happened he suddenly cuts me off mid sentence and says something to me.

Owen (T.K.'s Dad): "Where is T.K.?"

Carlos: "He is in the bus.."

Owen (T.K.'s Dad): "Why is he in that bus?"

Saving A Life (A Tarlos Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora