Home (2) - Heejakehoon

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At the sound of the door bell Jungwon got up to get the food.

Jungwon: The food is here.

Niki: I still want to know how Sunghoon hyung and Sunoo hyung got here.

Jay: Let's set the food on the table first. We can have the rest of the talk while having dinner.

(After everyone settled down to eat)

Hee: So Sunghoon..what's your story?

Sunghoon: Oh i am actually staying here by choice. I still go see my family sometimes.

Hee: What do you mean by choice? When did you come here? And why not stay at home?

Sunghoon: So what happened was..a year after my sister was born my father started facing problems at work and we weren't very financially stable. Yeji was still a baby and even though our expenses were cut down to the minimum, dad had difficulties providing for a family of 4. One of my dad's friends is a teacher here..he adviced him to move me here for a while till he gets back on his feet. I was 6..my parents asked me if i had any problem with it..they told me that i would still be able to go to school and i could enroll for a dance class which i had always wanted to do but couldn't because we didn't have the money for that. I obviously agreed..it was supposed be a temporary thing..i would go see them sometimes. When i came here i met Sunoo..he was a fiery little sunshine..sunshine to me and fiery for those who tried to bully me.

Sunoo rolled his eyes and smiled at Sunghoon's description of him.

Niki: So Sunoo hyung you have been here a long time too?

Sunoo: Yeah i have lived here practically my whole life. I just know that the couple who started this academy brought me from a foster home which wasn't in a very good condition. So me and 10 other kids who lived there were brought here..we were joined by other kids from different foster homes and orphanages..and that's how they started this academy..with 40 kids who had nowhere else to go.

Niki: Wow so this has been your home since forever.

Sunoo: Yeah..and now i have a family too. You and Heeseung hyung can be part of this little family too if you want.

That made Heeseung and Niki tear up a bit. They were glad that even after loosing everything, they can still have a family and have people who will always have their back. They smiled gratefully at him and Heeseung, to avoid crying again, went back to interrogating Sunghoon.

Hee: So why did you decide to stay here?

Sunghoon: Because i didn't want to go back. Sunoo was like a little brother to me. We did everything together. I liked staying here. When dad told me a few years later to come back home, i said i didn't want to and asked if i could continue staying here. He thought i was mad at them for leaving me here. But after a little bit of convincing, he asked his friend who then pulled some strings and i was allowed to stay. So here i am..and i am glad that i stayed..or else how would i have met my little Jakey.

He pulled Jake by his shoulders and kissed his cheek sloppily.

Jake: Hoonie! We are eating.

Sunghoon ignored that and continued to squish his shoulders towards him. Everyone laughed at their little banter. Heeseung looked between them with a smile on his face but the seeds of jealousy had already been planted and he wished he was the one holding Jake instead of Sunghoon.

Hee: So does your family know about you and Jake?

Sunghoon looked at Heeseung but his expression was unreadable.

Enhypen One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora