One step at a time - Jaywon

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jaywonniez requested a Jaywon one shot. Took me a while to do this but i hope you like it 🤍


A lazy Sunday morning and Enhypen's first day of the two week break they were getting after back to back schedules of almost two months. What could possibly go wrong?

Jungwon was the first to wake up at 7:30 and was in a pretty good mood despite waking up this early on a Sunday. But why wouldn't he be? Today he was finally going to do something he had wanted to do in a long time.

Today, he was finally going to confess to Sunoo. Yes, he's had a huge crush on Sunoo for a while now and he was finally going to act on it.

None of the members are aware of this of course. Except Jay. Jungwon literally shares everything with him so it wasn't a surprise that he also knew about Jungwon's little crush.

Jungwon had a plan. So he did not waste much time and got ready, dressing himself up in a loose fitted jeans and a casual hoodie, and covering his face with a mask and bucket hat.

He had already asked his manager if he could go for a walk, not too far, just to the nearby convenience store. Their manager, though skeptical, had allowed him to go on the condition that he stayed safe and made sure that no one could recognize him.

So, after being satisfied that his face was covered and unrecognisable, he started walking to the store. Fortunately, there weren't many people on his way to the store and the few who were there, were minding their own business.

He had planned on buying Sunoo's favourite ice cream, which of course is mint choco. He bought the ice-cream and a few other things most of which were Sunoo's usual picks.

By the time he got back to the dorm, everyone except Heeseung were awake. He didn't see Sunoo out in the living room but he could hear him in their room talking to Sunghoon.

Jungwon decided to store away the things he had bought before going to his room to put his phone on charge. He would talk to Sunoo later when the older was alone.

But he regretted the moment he stepped foot in his room. What he saw there made his heart clench in despair.

Sunoo and Sunghoon were sitting on Sunghoon's bed with their foreheads against each other, breathing heavily and so lost in each other's eyes that they didn't even notice Jungwon standing their holding back his tears.

Before they could see him, he silently backed out of the room and ran into the bathroom, closing it shut and sliding down against the door, finally letting his tears fall.

What could go wrong you said? For Jungwon - everything.


Jay was in his room, scrolling through twitter mindlessly, thinking about how Jungwon was going to confess to Sunoo. Jungwon had told him yesterday, after asking their manager if he could go to the store, what he planned on doing today.

Jay wasn't looking forward to seeing Jungwon and Sunoo together. Infact he was dreading it. He had no idea how he was going to handle himself if they started being lovey dovey with each other.

You see, Jay has been in love with Jungwon for a while now. At first he thought it was just a phase and that he would get over it with time. But the day that Jungwon told him about his crush on Sunoo, Jay felt like the world had collapsed on his shoulders.

That day Jay cried himself to sleep, forgetting that his roommate might be awake. And that's exactly what happened. Jake was tossing and turning on his bed, not being able to sleep, when he heard Jay crying.

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