10: Promise

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Natsu was drinking a glass of scotch in his office, reading reports concerning the family business as usual.

A knock on the office door cut him off from his focus. It was Erza in her work mode.

"Zeref is here. Said about an important matter," she informed through the half opened door.

"Never a day where this family business ever gets to take a break," the Don sighed at this, not taking a glance.

She smirked at this remark, closing the door but stopped halfway.

"Ah, speaking of business," he started, "How are the casinos?"

Natsu questioned. He was referring to the establishments Jellal owned. He heard from his friend that they were having problems with work, a minor one he assured.

"He doesn't talk much about it." She answered, "Says he's handling it on his own. And that everything is under control."

Natsu slowly nodded at this, "Nevertheless, you should check on him."

"Don't worry," Erza assured, "Jellal says he'll drop by the Main House today."

Before any word was further exchanged, Zeref arrived. He walked in and took a seat on the sofa after giving Erza a greeting, to which she understood was a cue for her to give the brothers some space.

"Another day another problem, I guess?" Natsu started the conversation. Taking a sip from his drink.

The older Dragneel chuckled whilst loosening his necktie.

"My day couldn't get any busier too. I was in court defending this con artist this morning," Zeref stood up and poured himself a glass of whiskey his brother had displayed at one corner of the office. Apparently all the men in the family were alcoholics.

"Paid a very good sum," he continued as he gulped down to the last drop, "I won of course."

"As always," Natsu smirked.

It was unquestionable. His brother was the best at his game, defending all kinds of people in the undergound world. Anyone would pay any amount to have him as their lawyer. He was expensive as fuck.

"Now, let's get to business," Zeref stood in front of the office desk, reading the papers Natsu was previously working on.

"I recently had a meeting with the 'other lawyers'. It has been agreed that the international mafia will be holding a gathering at The  Summit in eight months."

By other lawyers, he meant those who were like him. Lawyers loyal to their own Family.

What is the summit? One would ask. This was just like the one held in Thailand. Where Natsu and Lucy went together to meet with the other mafias. And just like before, this was for keeping up appearances... and a show of power.

The only difference was, unlike any other gatherings, the one held in The Summit is exclusive only to the Dons and Ladies of the families from all around the world. Italy, America, Russia and etc.

Everyone is expected to attend and an absence is considered to be a direct disrespect and an act of challenge.

The building, located in New York, was built solely for this purpose of 'temporary truce' wherein leaders put aside their differences and drink with their enemies.

There is only one rule, no killing within The Summit. Otherwise, death is the penalty. This tradition has been kept for many years since the formation of the first family, the Cosa Nostra; which has now been replaced in terms of power, fame, and rank by the new generation families.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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