Chapter 1: Casper

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        Hello, I'm Casper. You may think that's a strange name. But the thing is, I'm a border collie, as in a dog breed. I live with my my owner, and best friend Jordan, Jordan Saeffire. Some people have a hard time pronouncing it. So to help you out, it's just a funny way of spelling sapphire. Like the precious royal blue gemstone. 

        Its three of us: Jordan, her dad, and I. We live on the border of North Carolina and South Carolina- literally twenty feet away. Jordan is very mature for her age of fifteen. But its kind of what happens to a child caught in the middle of divorce, and they actually understand what's going on. When Jordan was only eight, her parents divorced and she made the decision to move away with her dad.

        A week after they settled into their house, they went to their local Humane Society. That's were I came into the picture! I was thankful to find a family like them. My sister and I were on death's doorstep. We were extra lucky, because the two of us were adopted in the same day. Jordan usually keeps to herself, but when she does actually spark up a conversation, it's usually with me. When she does talk to me, we're usually on our morning and afternoon walks. She tells me all her secrets, and the thoughts that run through her head. Jordan prefers to have only a few friends, and doesn't like dealing with drama. But when it comes to family, she can be a bit detached, however she cares about her dad more than it seems. When she talks to him, it's generally small talk. Things like 'You can have the remote' or, 'What do you want for dinner?'.  

        Since its just the three of us, and me being a dog, Jordan has the entire basement herself. Its big like an apartment, which is how she refers to it. Jordan shares the basement with me, and I love spending time in her "apartment". My favorite place to sleep is in her walk-in closet that smells of vanilla and clove.  She gives me the entire space under the stairs, which is also fairly large. It's the place my dog bed is, all fifty-six of my toys, and my food and water dish. I don't have a need for a leash. Jordan trusts me when it comes to loyalty.

        Jordan is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Although I am colorblind, her hair matches the tone I think a dark brown would be. And she says that "'s very hard to see," but her dark brown has natural burgundy tints. Her skin is pale-ish, with perfect complexion, and is 5'7.  

But, the thing about Jordan is that her name isn't Jordan. She isn't even human, to be completely honest, she's only 1/3 Mortal. What's the rest of that fraction? 2/3 Immortal.

1/3 Mortal: JordanWhere stories live. Discover now