Chapter 8: Galen

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Chapter 8: Galen

We finally arrived back at home, and to my surprise, I was incredibly thirsty. I emptyed my doggie water fountain, and layed belly up, on the sofa, trying to relieve the stress that I had just gone through. Jordan runs upstairs to look for food, and comes back down with a can of Mexican Soup. So delicious! She quickly microwaves it, changed clothes, hid her cloak under a floorboard, then began eating while watching TV. I remember the first few minutes of it. A show called Castle, about a woman cop that works in the NYPD, and has a witty friend that helps her solve crimes.

But without a single care in the world.... I just dozed off.

The sound of someone knocking on the back door jars me awake. I look at the clock. Ive been asleep for a shocking two hours! It must be Galen. Jordan gets up, and answers the door.

In pops Galen, making himself perfectly at home. "Hey there Jordy!"

"Don't call me that..." Jordan growls. Galen walks over to the fridge, and pulls out a half empty, two liter bottle of soda, and chugs the whole damn thing.

"Give me that you pig!" Jordan says snatching it away from him. Galen playfully sprints into the living room, and cozies himself down on the couch. Then pulls my dog tag from his pocket. Hands it to Jordan and says "Gold and immortal venom. No cobalt, just as instructed."

"Thank you, now will you get out!"

Galen gets up and escorts himself to the backdoor. "Look, Im sorry. I didn't realize you were busy."

"It's fine. And thank you for being sorry. You know your welcome here whenever, just keep you ambitious jokester to a minimum please."

"Thanks." he smiles half heartedly, turns and jogs off into the woods.

"Did I miss something there Jordan?" I ask confused.

"Galen has had a crush on me since day one, and I have no interest in him."

"So you think the best way to handle this is to push him further and further away?"

"What else is there for me to do? If anything the relationship between me and him is like brother and sister. Frankly, I don't want to ruin that."

"Ok. Subject dropped." I say.

Later that night, when Jordan was climbing into bed, I asked her, "Is there a special someone you care about?" she bites her lip, and smiles sheepishly, "Well now that you mention it......."

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