Chapter 10: Careless

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Chapter 10: Careless

The next morning, Jordan told me that she was going grocery shopping. And the worst part was, she was leaving me at home! So she left, and I got bored too easily. I went into the living room, pawed at the remote, and watched TV for an hour. Then, when I got bored, like all dogs do, I played with the ice maker on the door of the fridge. Once again, I was bored, I gave up and fell asleep in Jordan's closet.

. . . .

I was in her closet sleeping, when I heard a loud clamor. I didn't say a word like I was told to. But then the smell of crappy vanilla filled the air. It's Annabelle. In Jordan's room.

"What an odd ring." she said to herself. Jordan owns like next to no rings. So it had to be her Council ring. Yes. The sapphire one with dusk colored platinum. I needed to keep her away from it before she does somethin' stupid. Of course... With no plan in mind, I bounded out of the closet. It was too late. Telling by her extremely vibrant emerald eyes, Annabelle was already immortal.

. . . . . .


"I don't even know what happened!" Annabelle defends herself. Jordan was seething with rage!

"Maybe you should explain to her." I suggest, "Oops, I mean uhh, woof?" biggest failed attempt of the century!

"Casper!" Jordan hisses. I tuck my tail between my legs. But at this point, I can't mess up more that I already have. I go for it. "Your immortal now, as in, live forever, can't die, and some kind of special power." I blurt out, "Woof?"

Annabelle passed out.

Ryan busts down our backdoor, and then jerkishly, strolls in. In follows Matthew, and Galen, and Jacob.

"Casper sent us some mental mail!" says Galen humorously.

"I DID!?" I feel my eyes grow big with surprise.

"Something about a careless mistake. Are you ok?" asks Jacob instinctively.

"Oh, I'm fine. That- I mean she isn't though. She somehow turned herself immortal."

"Are you kidding me? You place is an immortal explosion waiting to happen! Your shadow dust is all over the place! The next person to have touched it would have turned in no time flat!"

"Not my fault she broke boundaries though."

"STOP THIS NONSENSE! We will discuss this back in the edifice." say Matthew.

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