The Chase - Section 7

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[The Hunter-Longlegs stared at the slugcat, anxiously waiting for any sudden moment, frequently grabbing the environment nearby it. The slithering of tentacles filled the room, as well as the terrified heartbeat of Loon. This creature looked like it used to be another slugcat, but something stole its body... And their face, which drooled a red liquid with the same color as its skin. At the end of the tentacles, there were no fingers. Just points, as if they were sharp. Some dragged across the floor, others wriggled in the air, taunting the puny slug.]

"What.. the fuck.. ARE YOU?!" 

[The Hunter recognized the fear, and aggression, and decided to respond with a deafening screech and a lunge of its tentacle. Narrowly avoiding the attack, Loon looked into the eyes of the creature. The dead stare of the corpse shook Loon to the bone, making him lose his courage to fight. So alternatively, he ran as fast as he could. The thing screamed again and took chase after its prey. Tentacles dug into the ground and ceiling like knives, and it rapidly gained speed after Loon. The panic of the moment was challenging Loon's ability to think, slowly draining his energy, slowly dragging him closer to the disgusting thing behind him. He saw a grenade on the ground and tossed it at the beast. The smoke filled the surrounding area, and the beast stopped. However, a cluster of tentacles wiped the smoke away, and the corpse grew a sick, twisted smile. It looked as if it was being forced to do so. Eventually, Loon was backed up onto a wall, with no poles around to hopelessly climb, no pipes, just a dead end.]

"Well damn. I'm gonna die to a spaghetti monster. That's such an amazing way to go, isn't it?"

[Loon closed his eyes, he didn't want to see what happened to him, but the noise of the slimy tentacles ceased. The Hunter stopped. Loon stared at it, confused about why, but it wasn't focused on him anymore... It heard something... 


He heard it now. 


It was getting closer. 


It was right outside the room.


The wall burst open, revealing 2 strange-looking beings. One had a mechanical eye, which stared directly at Loon, and then the Hunter. The creature screeched at him but nothing else. The other one was less obscured. It was green, and recognized Loon instantly.] 

"Loon!" "...Ivy? Holy shit! How did you find me?!" 

[The creature screeched again] 

"Less talk now, more killing this thing!" 

[The obscured one attacked first, revealing its arm, which was... mechanical? No, it couldn't have been Tech. His arm was made entirely of scrap, and this type of metal was more sophisticated. It shot syringes of sorts, which made the creature scream and stumble. Ivy quickly ran down to the creature while it expressed its sheer rage at the oddly-familiar slug, climbed over to the corpse, and bit its neck. The corpse seemed to open its mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The creature struggled to run away but did so still. The hidden figure stepped out of the shadows and stared at Loon.]

"Hello again, Loonie."

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