The Call - Section 11

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[Techno and Loon headed to the teleporter, mostly impressed by the success of the experiment, and partially traumatized at what just happened. A buzzing can be heard emanating from Techno.] 

"I got a call. Head on in, I'll take this." 

[Loon did as ordered, was teleported inside the chamber, and delivered the shard that was required.] 

"Thank you, Crystallax. Your support has been noted, and I will reward you shortly." "Still not my name." "It doesn't matter to me." 

[The pink machine inspected the shard closely and gave a nod of approval. He put it at the end of some sort of light gun and then handed it to Loon] 

"Your new goal is to leave the chamber through the pipe and find a chunk of Rot to use this tool on. When you are done, you must return back to me and inform me of the result." "You know all this and still don't know my name, that's crazy." 

[Before Loon left, Techno returned with a fearful expression on his face. He looked at Loon, and then Five Pebbles, and uttered the most unsettling words ever said in his life:] 

"The machine is coming back."

[Loon didn't understand at first, but the machinery Five Pebbles used to move around shifted abruptly, and... His face was scared too. He grabbed Techno by his arms and nearly screamed.] 

"HOW IS IT COMING BACK SO EARLY? DID YOU DO SOMETHING TO ALERT IT TO YOUR EXISTENCE?" "I don't know! I got a call, and when I hung up, I heard that awful droning that I heard that equally awful day." "Right, we must make haste. You are not fully prepared to deal with that machine, at least not mentally. I have provided a rather drastic solution to overpower the hunk of metal, if need be. I grabbed a sample from the Rot and modified it to where it was easier to control. It might try to convince you to kill everything in sight, but it still speaks some languages you speak as well, such as suffering and rage. It will contort your body but will give you enhanced regeneration capabilities during and a short time after. While you return to normal after about 6 minutes... It will be agonizing. Not just the pain, but the experience. Thinking things you've never thought about before. Hearing more than one voice in your head." 

[Techno stared at him, and then at the syringe.] 

"I don't think I'll need this, but you're too stubborn to let me leave without it." 

[He reluctantly took it and left.]

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